Don't read this until Saturday morning!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Tonkadad, May 15, 2004.

  1. "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings " by Lynn Grabhorn

    I purchased the CD version of the book, total of 5 CD's. I love it, I have listened to them all at least 25 times. (I do alot of driving, so CD's are great for me) Also I retain stuff better when I hear it.

    She explains about how we ask for things and how important it is to phrase it properly, i.e...

    When we say "I want to get out of debt" What are we really saying? Where is the focus? On the "DEBT". A better way to phrase it is "I want the money I am making now to increase in new and creative ways."

    I am not doing it justice, but you get the idea.

    "I want to be a successful trader" Where's the focus? Where are you saying you are right now with trading? UNSUCCESSFUL

    Don't focus on the lack in your life, focus on the positive and envision it growing and expanding.


    #11     May 15, 2004
  2. patsup


    Hi Bruce, thanks!
    Yeah I've gotten recommendations for Linda Grabhorn before, and skimmed some of her stuff. I want to read more of that.

    Yeah that is a great idea! I LOVE to listen to books on tape/cd/mp3 it is a great use of time to listen to especially while driving, washing the dishes, peeling potatoes, etc.

    Something like that, yeah... but I think using the term "successful" trader is "positive" as you say so you can focus on that (Maybe with something like "I don't want to be poor" or "I want to stop losing" you're using negative words... ala in order for your mind to understand the NOT _____ it has to process _____, which subconsciously focuses/attracts that _____ to your life? :eek: :D )
    or another fun thing is if you say "I want _____" that means you don't have that in your life, which means lack, which means that's what you attract??? haha I think it's interesting hypnopsychobabble

    I've also been interested in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) apparently Van Tharp likes that too...
    and other silly holistic health craziness. it's so fun

    yeah i saw wayne dyer on a PBS special he is hip
    #12     May 15, 2004