Donald's spent 21% of his time as president playing golf mostly at his properties

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Cuddles


  2. Buy1Sell2


    LacesOut likes this.
  3. Milking the taxpayers seems pretty Pro-America lately...he could have built 3 feet of wall for that money wasted on golf.
  4. RedDuke


    Funny how people who are as brain washed as you, trying to defend even this travesty. Trump was right, he could shoot someone on 5th ave and you still will support him. Pure madness.
  5. Buy1Sell2


    Seems like a drop in the bucket to Obama's 150 billion payoff to Iran.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  6. Cuddles


    You mean return of seized assets as compromise to stop development of nuclear devices?
  7. LacesOut


    He’s losing a lot of us because he is doing less than nothing about Border Jumpers.
    And he will lose me completely if he bungles Iran.
    So you are dead fucking usual.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  8. Buy1Sell2


    I see that you have drank the kool-aid. --This was ransom money and Hussein caved in and appeased as he usually did.
  9. Cuddles


    Nope, assets that were seized. It's not like we don't do bookkeeping for billions of dollars. Talk about drinking the Kool aid, jeesh
  10. Buy1Sell2


    As indicated, you are a Kool-Aid drinking psychophant who will believe any rhetoric from The Left. The Hussein administration paid ransom money to Iran and you're worried about rounds of golf. ---Get Right.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
    #10     Jun 25, 2019
    smallfil likes this.