Donald Trump: 'Our Country Has Been Brought to Its Knees'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. Trump: 'Our Country Has Been Brought to Its Knees' |

    Former President Donald Trump, in his first trek to Washington since the end of his presidency, delivered blistering remarks on a country that had been "made great again" but has more recently become "a beggar nation."

    "Our country has been brought to its knees, literally brought to its knees, and who would have thought this could happen?" Trump told the America First Agenda Summit, delivering an America First Policy Institute (AFPI) speech which aired live on Newsmax.

    "Inflation is the highest in 49 years, 9.1%, and a lot of people think it's much higher than that. Gas prices have reached the highest in the history of our country. We have become a beggar nation groveling to other countries for energy.

    traderob likes this.
  2. gwb-trading


    Let's take a look at the other twisted shiat Trump is pushing today...

  3. ipatent


    Sounds like Trump has some good ideas.
  4. Overnight


    We should go all Islam and chop off the hands of thieves too then, yes?
  5. notagain


    Cure the root of the problem and it will help with other problems as well.
    Hint, just grow the economy as Reagan did 1985-1989.
  6. Mercor


    This is the current state of the homeless....Lets move them into a tent communities away from the city with doctors and nurses and psychologists and bathrooms . A place to get them jobs

  7. Millionaire


    Hand chopping is a bit extreme for plain old regular thieves but for armed robbers I got no objections.

    For persistent thieves and many other offences, especially violent ones, this is what is needed:

    Singapore style justice:
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  8. Yes, and let's make other random ideas that literally have nothing do with anything but are just there to provoke people into some associative guilt word game our political reality.
  9. Trump 2024.

  10. Now you guys have to dig deeper.:D.

    RNC tells Trump they will stop paying his legal bills if he runs in 2024

    The Republican National Committee has paid nearly $2 million to law firms representing Donald Trump, but now they're warning the former president that they'll stop paying his legal bills if he runs for president in 2024, ABC News reports.

    "According to the book 'Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show,' by ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, in the final days of Trump's presidency, Trump told McDaniel he was leaving the GOP and creating his own political party -- only to back down after McDaniel made it clear to Trump that the party would stop paying his legal bills for his post-election challenges and take other steps that would cost him financially," ABC News reports.
    #10     Jul 27, 2022