Don Miller signs off (for now)

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Pekelo, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. Pekelo


    His last video from a week ago:

    Thank you Don, I enjoyed your educational blogs and videos through the years. A TL;DV: would have been nice at the end of the video, because I still don't know why you are signing off. If someone with more patience actually watched the whole thing and got the answer, please post it.

    To be clear, he has stopped blogging and educating, not trading. And no, he didn't blew up either. Anyhow, as always, good luck and godspeed on the rest of your journey.
    Baron likes this.
  2. speedo


    I remember him from Larry Connor's, Seemed knowledgeable and a nice guy.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    That was a little frustrating because Don spent over 20 minutes talking somewhat randomly only to say he was quitting but gave no reason whatsoever. I wish him the best but some sort of explanation sure would have been helpful.
  4. speedo


    His "jellyfish" program is not cheap and as we know most will fail despite one's best efforts. He may have grown tired of the heat from those who have failed and blame him rather than themselves.
  5. RRY16


    I wonder whatever happened to the original contributors?
  6. speedo


    I know Jeff Cooper got pissed at Connors and left for Cramer's deal. Last time I looked Haggerty was still there. Boroden got her own deal.
  7. David Goodboy went on to write a book. I've been meaning to pick up a copy.
  8. Pekelo


    This was the exact reason I started this thread. So I guess I saved a few minutes of my life by fast forwarding the video. I am a curious type and I also like to speculate, and this is the thread for it. If his trading was going fine, and the occasional Jelly course thrown in, he just love to express himself way too much just to suddenly stop with no good reason. So possible reasons for that video:

    1. Personal health problems.
    2. Relative's health problem, family troubles.
    3. Trading not going anywhere, results are flat or in the red.
    4. He might got sued by a former student.
    5. Something I haven't thought about it.

    He is only 55 just to hang it all up.... He blogged very little during the summer...
  9. I have no idea who this guy is, ...or alot of the so-called great traders, or trading gurus, for that matter,...

    But that was my initial reaction/suspicion too: either a health problem or a legal problem :confused:o_O for someone to kind of just randomly cease operations.
  10. nursebee


    Don struck me as a good guy. He called me at home one night.
    #10     Sep 23, 2016