Wow, Don finally overtook def! It is weird not seeing def at the top. That was probably the fastest ascent in the history of ET! Congrats Don, I know you are a competive guy. nitro
Yes Don congrats you managed to make 1023 posts and 1,000 mentions of how great bright trading is, you should be proud!
Rigel, Commisso, OK, who between the three of us is going to beat Turok out of 439? And commisso, cut that crap out of posting seven million Maxims/Quotes. F__k money, I want _POSTS_! nitro
Nitro, I suppose I am cheating just a lil with the maxims... I have 300 and something post and about 30 actual posts...
Let me see. At 6.75 quotes per day average * 360 days a year - 2 days for Don on vacation a year + He always takes vacation at a place he can trade so add those two days back = 10000. So that = 2430. Now 10000 / 2430 = 4.12 years. Soooo, ~May 1, 2006 nitro