DOM ACV and bid/ask WALL used tgether

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by RedDuke, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Here you can catch the view on some tools the short trade that is ending and which came into being at the FTT of the prior BBT.

    There are indicators galore, of course and I have not annotated because I didn't want to cloud things up.

    Everything you see is precisely calibrated and totally refined to be just as it has been for at least 53 years. Note that there was nothing that was directly observable 53 years ago, however. Darvas and I were contemporaries at that time.
    #81     Sep 15, 2009
  2. On red duke 2 you can see the long ensuing that followed the short of the first chart.
    #82     Sep 15, 2009
  3. What does Government controlled trading actually look like,though? Personally,I don't want it but what would the rules be?
    #83     Sep 15, 2009

  4. Rule1: You lose
    #84     Sep 15, 2009
  5. I had read the thread earlier in the day so I am using some pics that I snagged during the day.

    For me the market is giving me "tells" all day long and I accept them without question as just what the market is doing.

    And I am tooled up to receive what the market is telling me.

    Look at the first two posts of RN that he made on ET to explain why he is the way he became. Copy and print them into a word document. He is not tooled up and he knows he does not know what the market is doing. He has explained to many many people how uncertain he is about two classes of available information. The other class he is absolutely certain of when is has past and is no longer in play.

    The walls are showing in three places on each chart you printed. Circle the 6 locations where the walls are denoted. Understand that the price never breaches a wall.

    In trading a person has a choice to look at what happened or what is going to happen. Make the choice that what happened is important and what will happen is important. What happened is what sets up the left side of the nonstationary window and what is going to happen sets up the right side of the nonstationary window.


    Take the trouble to read the posts of Nitro from the time he went short @ 1030 and exited at 131.50. Note that inbetween price was at 992 which he recognizes is easy to see in hindsight at the price of 1015 when hit the third time of a given day.

    Here we deal with how a person sees every WALL not traded between 1030 , 992 and 1048 or so (including one rollover).

    If I am looking at the WALLS in all these places you did not take the trouble to circle, then we are two different people. You are like Nitro and RN and I am not.

    As you can now see, I have a minute bar indicator of the "right side of the market at all times". It is also a leading indicator. It is determined by data from the "smart money". I use the smart money's thoughts and I front run the smart money.

    Who knows this. The SEC does and they had to get over their mistaken idea that I was "insider trading". Their computers ID'ed my accounts as accounts of an insider trader. And now they know what the right side of the market is and they do not bug me or my brokers anymore. You can rad this and you are at choice. either you think you are right and I am FOS or you get on board with learning how to learn so your mind works as mine does to make trading like driving a car. You choice. Don't be stupid.

    you see the OTR chart that is part of the "sentiment" (right side of the market chart). It also shows the walls that are never breached.

    a gu7y from Philadelphia and Pekelo say that the DOM can't be read. They, obviously can't read it. What happens mostly on the DOM. Orders are "pulled". What happens almost as much is that orders are added. What orders never show on the DOM. Mine do not. All orders filled opposite what is showing on the DOM do not show on the DOM.

    Where do these orders show (and only after the fact)? On the T & S.

    What does the DOM show anyway? It shows orders that will not be filled because they are so plentiful at some prices. These are WALLS. The name is used because I liked the prior existing definition of the word.

    the build minds we use names that are full of utility. FTT is a word with out vowels since vowels do not help out. Failure to traverse means that a trend has ended on a formation. The formation has three parts. It has a mirror which means it works because symmetry is the test for validation.

    You must learn that the markets exhibit perfect symmetry. This tells you entry/exit trading is not a possibility for being successful. Try to find out if you do entries and exits or not.

    nitro and RN do entries and exits. So does traderzones and so does trader666 and so do all the detractors. What went wrong in their minds? thier minds did not become differentiated.

    This thread is about building the keyboard of trading in the mind.

    read the thunderdog questionaire on types of trades and market conditions. you see there a person introducing tdog to the idea that his Q's and choices are adle brained. Tdog cannot understand how his stuff is screwed up. The other person helping him out is screwed from the getgo because Tdog's mind is busted.

    Here I am posting a few things about reading the market that makes trading like driving a car.

    Mostly everyone here can drive a car. Why can people drive deadly weapons?

    This post ends with the answer. People learn to drive by doing drills that they are told to do. Obviously, teenagers need to have restricteed driver's licenses because they screw up so much until they get experience.
    #85     Sep 15, 2009
  6. The remaining posts will be brief and to the point.

    So far you learned to get, create and use tools.

    you learned that the smart money gives us leading indicators.

    yoiu learned that WALLS on the DOM are price turning points and are not breached.

    You learned that people play games on the DOM (maybe not if you are a slow person)

    You learned that symmetry of the markets eliminates the entry/exit trading technique and modus of trading.

    You learned that trading is like driving a car.

    You learned that building the musical scale of trading is done by drills which create long term memory.

    Most people learned that they are sort of screwed in terms of learning to trade.

    Everyone learned that they have been at choice and making the wrong choices.
    #86     Sep 15, 2009
  7. So chart one showed ALL the indicators peeling off into the short trade from the FTT of the prior end of the BBT.

    longs and shorts overlap. The overlap is from the FTT to the RTL. The over lap is from the peak to the trough of volume.

    the overlap is the indicators period of divergence ending convergence begining, a crossover occurring and divergence commencing. there are six indicators, each with two lines doing this on charts. The YM chart indicators lead the ES chart indicators. this is like driving in LA in multilane trafic where all the lanes are telling you the same thing. some people keep changing lanes others go with the flow and read the signs. Some people even kn0w where they are going out of habit. Habit comes from repeated experiences that are learning experiences.

    Some of you saw the pianist at the Pacific Symphony; I was sitting next to (left and right) to two pianists who could play the composition as well.

    ET surrounds you with people who can play.

    If you see a tuned indicator stop diverging, WMCN? If the OTR has black volume then red volume, has something happened?

    What is volume is peaking? Is something going to happen to price?

    The markets are obviously a symphony of information and each visual display is contributing to the theme. What if you were to recite the theme by the status of the idnicators?

    Let's do that again. What if you were to recite the market by the signals of the indicators?

    let me try harder. What if you were toi recite both the status and the signals. What is you knew the vocabulary of the status and the vocabulary of the signals.

    read Blowinski. He doesn't know any status vocabulary. He's screwed. He doesn't know the oder of the sttus and he doesn't know the order of the signals either.

    Here is a drill. Read anyone by reading their collected posts and figure out where they passed the point of no return (where they screwed up their minds so badly). Read a few of the obsessive compulsives (Ivanovich, etc...).

    We see that the OTR, T&S and the DOM are all sychronized by status and by signals. we see that there is a loop of discovery going on constantly.

    chart one shows the short begin, be maintained and end.

    redduke 2 shows the reversdal into the long and the long continuing.

    as you see chart one hit the WALL, then you also see the simultanoeus status of the distance to the long wall which is far away. On chart 2 the green wall is way out there as the long hold status continues.

    On trades the status lasts many bars and there is no WALL nearby during this multibar movement. Recently, I posted the first four trades of a given day the prior evening before open. I said it would be a repat of two other days, one long and one the opposite.

    Today before open we sat here all agreed upon how the prior day ended. we knew what the first second third and fourth and fifth and sixth and seventh trades were going to be. We also knew in time and price these turning places.

    The gap is a non existant thing in making money. BUT you do carry over the prior info as the container of price. We had to find the FTT so we could go short. So trade into the FTT long and take that offer.

    The ACV, DOM and WALLS just give you the three detailed answers to

    1. Where are we?

    2. What is next?

    3. How fast it the market changing?

    There are no unanswered Q's when it comes to trading.

    The market does not contain any surprises.

    There is never any jumping around of anything.

    So drills are done to learn to drive the car. drillos are done to read the status and the signals. everything always works the same way and everything is symmetric.

    It is very easy to see once and for all that every end of a money making segment is the beginning of the next money making segment. There is no entry/exit aspect of doing trades.

    If a person posts a print, he is showing you how he sits on the sidelines mostly. If you want to see a guy always on the sidelines, look at blowinski. Read the P&L thread; it is the story of sitting on the sidelines.

    What would it be like to always know the sentiment, always know where the turns are and always know the timing of the turns? Take the trouble to find out. Get your car keys and take a ride for a while. Take an 81 bar a day ride everyday.
    #87     Sep 15, 2009
  8. Tomorrow, read the DOM like doing a mantra of meditating. Look at the BBid and BAsk and see how they get eaten up or added to. One side id growing the other side is shrinking. Not because of trades but more because of "pulls" and "ADDs". The T&S has a lot of chicken feed listed but there is almost no chicken feed on the DOM. Blocks are what's pulled and added.

    where does this pulling and adding happen. Not on the BBID or BAsk. but nearby. And only "ahead of the price. Figure out what is ahead for price by seeing where the setups are being pulled and added.

    What about the total of the five levels on each side? In this thread there are some really bad guesses being treated as factual. Where do you find out what prices are important? You find out on volume annotations. If the volume is insufficient then price is not going to get there. You have a way of knowing the volume by the end of each bar. Circle the indicator. You know at least five minutes in advance. this is good. it smoothes out trading data set taking.

    Most people post freakout trading comments. Bghog is a freakout poster. He is always saying what he doesn't look at to keep freaking out and missing trades. So take data sets instead. A complete data set always smoothes your mind out because it then always knows that it knows. there are always at least 6 or seven elements in a pertinent set.

    you spend 3/4 of your time facing away from the screen. 1/4 is getting the data set. then you close your eyes and spin around to look the other way to complete your analysis, decision making and acting. mostly you analyze to hold, decide to hold and act to hold. Obviously none of this requires your eyes to be open.

    Some people cannot read the market by reading the sentence of the data set. They keep reading one word in the sentence over and over and expect to make sense of a "tells" sentence of the market. The market speaks in complete thoughts. You monitor the thought and process the thought.

    Try not to be a freakout reader. Try to collect the sentence. By putting the Walls in three places, the sentence structure is spread over the display comprising the dataset. Status bounds the signals as an envelope. Status is the subject and signals predicate.

    You have to wait for predications until after the subject has been defined.

    You see people here logging 20 opportunities and only taking two of them. This is the freezing opposite pole of freaking using one isolated misinterpreted signal. the screen is 1/4 of the routine. 3/4 is done by processing the monitored, collected data set.
    #88     Sep 15, 2009
  9. The most intensive part of gov't controls comes through the restrictions on form 1023.

    There are three levels of consideration:

    1. The employees are untrained and cannot either make decisions or understand.

    2. The bureaucracy is broken from an administrative point of view. Two results occur: a great deal can be decided in the favor of the independent person through the gov't being stupid. Unreasonable decisions are made through ignorance of consequences.

    3. Information and its handling is really screwed up and no one is aware of what isn't happening. There is a gold mine available and no one knows what is being removed.

    So workarounds are needed and the path is fairly clear on this. At this point the legislative branch is able to instruct the executive branch on their performance failures and get those who are screwing up corrected and/or out of the system.

    Another fortunate thing has occurred: technological advances outpace government performance or reaction time.

    My assumption on your posts is that you are totally screwed up all of the time.
    #89     Sep 15, 2009
  10. No,I'm very funny and charming.I'm only scarred by certain life experiences but basically I'm a very nice person.Being male you probably lack the intuition,being male I don't care.
    #90     Sep 16, 2009