DOM ACV and bid/ask WALL used tgether

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by RedDuke, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. ehorn


    My view...

    #111     Sep 19, 2009
  2. [​IMG]
    #112     Sep 19, 2009
  3. Very cool ehorn.

    Boy will we have a ball when we meet.
    #113     Sep 19, 2009
  4. My chart probably appears a little like not enough detail and a fractal shift to sneak in that VE. Think of the VE as being on the first movement from redpoint 1 to red point 2 where the VE applies to a faster fractal used to get all the moves to the VE that is point 2 of the red fractal.

    The red fractal has made it to point 3, it's second price movement segment. After point 3 the last segment occurs and the red fractal ends and the overlap of for next lego occurs on this given fractal.

    The black mega fractal will be related to this movement in the red fractal.

    Slowly over the days and with the input of others, what is going on is being put on the table.

    Let's look at a run of the mill lego fractal cycle for the paradigm. The three price/volume segments often have some glamor attached as the various happenings get spiced up and flavors are added. This depression is no different.

    Have we had any elegance in its formation so far? NO. But on the contained fractals in the nest we are having a lot of color, spice and elegance. It is particularly fun as we see the talking heads screw it up.

    I am glad we have your optimism, ehorn (you are staying inside the black fractal present envelope and calming down all those sub fractals to stay inside). What if a little spiciness appears in the last quarter when the majority of damage control for 2009 is going to happen. A little M and A here and there. Even chocolate could come involved.

    Anyway I am prepared for the trip on the red fractal to the FTT to include the first VE of the depression black fractal. VE's on each of the red and black LTL's could be in the cards. A double VE whammy. IF so, the optimistic majority is in for some stops being run under cascading conditions and they get to close up shop. On that nifty cascade in FEB, I noticed the chicken feed closing up then the 10's then the 50's, etc.. A lot of people finsished out their accounts that day. A stop being run and no fill in sight was fun to watch (from the minority's right side of the market).

    My job is to be precise and scientific and trade my enlarged heart out. It may be possible for readers to conclude that I am in the minority on ET. I am also in the minority in my trading. Ask around; doing the unbelievable puts a person in the minority.

    By doing a form of deductive TA insted of the inductive TA of MTA, I get to be in control during price movement. Working in NOW is all that is possible and the market dictates, and NO CW inductive prediction is ever appropriate. BUT it is wrong.

    So we need to just put all the pieces together on the nested fractals by proceding form fine to medium to coarse and on up to the red then the black normalized fractal.
    #114     Sep 19, 2009
  5. (Stop using wiley,it's bad for my guts).Have a good weekend all.
    #115     Sep 19, 2009
  6. So here is how the two level fractals may go with the advent of VE's here and there.

    ellipse B handles the mega black VE.

    The red fractal FTT is put in and a black lego (shown in blue) follows and completes. It will appear as a repreive from bad times by talking heads. See ellipse C.

    Then the depression dominance resumes with a repetition of the red type lego we are in now. see ellipse D.

    So what is the modus of depressions? It is the VE's of the original black container. for those of the inductive mindset, you get to see what you think are repeated black swans. the sigma stuff of stats.

    for deductive TA people it is just the volatility expansion that happens repeatedly when synergistic effects keep happening. You may notice that in some realms some unpaid debt is arising to fix unpaid debt. Einstein, one ot the deductive thinkers who operated out of New Jersey came up with a definition of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Here I am suggesting that the fist VE's on the slower fractals are beginning to appear. when they occur after point 3's then you have to deal with the deductive logic represented.

    For those who didn't figure out why I did not do the legs of 2009 in december 2008, now you can see more of my reasons.

    As we go outside of the normalised LTL on this depression, a lot of things have to be done differently. Doing things differently takes new people assuming difficult responsibilities. These people are not going to be the types that walk into the legislative branch with a 2 and 1/2 page document and sit there and look dumb.

    It like at the tennis open, if you want to win you have to step up your game.

    Excellent job ehorn. My congrats.

    #116     Sep 19, 2009
  7. ehorn


    I am very much looking forward to Vegas this November.

    My sketch may have appeared optimistic, but optimism is not a word I would use at this time (in the sequences).

    My chart was quite bland. The ref to spice is great. Seems to me a VE (or several) is baked in the cake. I am continually amazed at your ability to collect the data sets and perform the projections as you do. You certainly are in the minority (amazing).

    EDIT: Just saw your chart... ouch! (things are really fucked up!) :mad:
    #117     Sep 19, 2009
  8. Years 19 through 21 show the FTT of the 1929 depression overlap. WWII started (1941) the Bull after the black mega normalized from 1929.

    Scaling the years of 2009 through 2020 is something that is to be respected. It is very important as traders to have immunity to the economic setting.
    #118     Sep 19, 2009
  9. charts


    ... obviously it can't go bellow zero, or -100% :)
    #119     Sep 20, 2009

  10. Well sure, but that part of the scale is just messy. The chart creator didn't plan too far ahead (more than a generation or so).
    #120     Sep 20, 2009