DOM ACV and bid/ask WALL used tgether

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by RedDuke, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Thanks for your terific offer and suggestions. A lot of people know this is being done and being done at several locations.

    One f the neatest aspects of the raw charts (those with just the video and no annotations) is how neat they are for doing drills of whole days.

    A drill lasts about 40 minutes because of how the driller fast forwards to each upcomig place where behavioral action type decissions are made.

    In the various periods of technology accomplishments, we had to use bright lights and those large tapes that went into television machines. that was over 20 years ago and we did 10 one hour sets then. Now CD's work with camtasia's from wordsmith where6 and 1/2 hours are easily done.

    I do audios daily as well in a group setting. Periodically the digital tapes are loaded into WD "books". For byte reasons we d 45 minute recordings and name them. Depending upon the trading (and topic of emphasis) the files are prioritized for transscribing. I personally use Dragon 9 to handle digital recorded files by letting dragon do the work. Sometimes I just dictate on a detaied outlinefor specific trading expert applications. All this stuf is enhanced withsnagits from the real screens or snagits from the camtasias.

    Putting the Pieces Together is a good example of an ehanced camtasia transcription where a separate day was superimposed on the original transcription. the one pager in that s the stock trading rule set that trader666 has never been able to backtest simply because he cannot get the rule set to ever have failig trades. Trader666 is an excellent resource for determining wha mental damage can do regarding failing at trading.

    The group I meet with before open and up to the beginning of midday, recognize that it is important for me to narrate a few minutes ahead of the market action (the tool set and the P, V relation). the advantage isthat they are viewing an annotating on their separate screens and seeing my enlarged (rotated and mounted 90 degrees from all of your screens) screens which annoate ahead otimeas well. Price just keep ilig in my anotations as any wizard would be doing.

    I trade on separate computer, as most do. It has a "front" pane that cannot becovered up by anything. Inthe left botom ornr I rune an order boo in reerse chron. By p shows o this scren pane. I' m a partial fill trader as a fucntion of markt capacity. I reversal trade a 5 times capacity max per turn. It may be that some of you are already watching me trade on your screens. This is the even and odd harmonic discussion which would be nice to picture on a video. I suppose taking the account number off each frame will take a little time.

    Putting all humor aside is not possible for me.

    One person I am working with has had PTSD since 67 in vietnam. Kis killing episodes have stuck with him. What we found out, however, is that trading is a complete new first recourse for him. So we are ru7nning his equities accounts well into the six digits and running his ES account up to mid two digits in contracts and he is going to trade for his psychiatrist and an annathesiologisy so they can work free for vets one day each week each. He will work up to the NFA limit. He is doing "drills" daily live and then he spends a few hours a day with group members at their home locations (one on one among peers).

    as you see by my writing, I cannot easily put myself on the correct level for communicating stuff. But by watching me in real time and ahead of the market action it is possible for people to differentiate their minds quickly. In the case of PTSD from killing, trading befme a good replacement. I admit their are some humorous moments when trading terms ad miltary terms are interchangable. John Netto of LV is a cool translator also if there ever was one.

    I have found that ET is not able to handle the media and communication level I normally use. There are many other sites that have capability and they have been fun using.

    Your buddy is afraid of reverse engineering. Reverse engineering turns out to be a lark. For example, go to the MTA site marketsurfer qualified as best. The place is a joke and it is filled with myths. None of these types of people who control the credentials know much of anything nor do theey know how to credential. I would love to take all the tests as a single run on experience if I were to be able to fill in the correct answers in writing (on on video)and then construct a proper test to qualify those who are evaluating people to pass out credentials.
    #101     Sep 17, 2009
  2. #102     Sep 18, 2009
  3. #103     Sep 18, 2009
  4. LoL, great posts Jack :)
    #104     Sep 18, 2009
  5. My most recent post covers the differentiation of pullbacks and reversals. At this very important time it is incumbant on expert traders to know the difference and how the difference is determined as early as it is.

    Once we are past point 3 of this depression, there are some painful economic occurances that happen for quite a few years.

    If you read and understand the differentiation, you can complete a comprehensive backtesting of the SCT lego on any fractal you wish.

    Since the person at inquiry could not tell the difference between a pullback and a reversal I also included, after the differentiation technique, the exit technique. This handled two of the three parts of the lego of SCT so I threw in the remaining linkage.

    I also requested a new receipe for my ice cream machine.

    Trader666 is on my "treasure hunt", I see.
    #105     Sep 18, 2009
  6. I like this depression scenario more Jack...

    #106     Sep 19, 2009
  7. ehorn



    Yum... Pistachio Ice Cream

    P.S. "Non-Stationary Window..." Great stuff Jack - Thanks very much for the pearls.
    #107     Sep 19, 2009
  8. Very cool.

    It is much better and shows how normalization and proper scaling give analytical advantages to those who step up to the plate.

    As is shown, on your chart it has been unexcusable for the PPT to avoid dealing with the problem for so long. They did not know it was going on apparently or they felt market forces would prevail. For me, I view the situation as one where operating integrity left the scene in marginal steps.

    Why anyone could conceive of inventing securitization products and not expect them to fall under regulatory perview that guarantteed transparency, is beyond the pale.

    Your chart makes in possible for additional observations. I feel if someone puts information on the table it is now public and can be used to further explain what is going on in terms of a sound market paradigm based on intellectual proprietory and deductive logic theory, the no Black Swan type thinking.

    you provide an additional envelope of the surrent phase of this depression. the annotations I posted where related to the fractal within the fractal you present. your normalization makes the augument more rigorous as well.

    we are almost ready to start using funnny maths to articulate the status and signals of this depression.

    I'll annotate your chart and really bear down on the situation, conditions and circumstances. I will continue to use those wiley old straight lines.
    #108     Sep 19, 2009
  9. the red ellipse was the focus of the non normalied prior annotation I did.

    secondly, I regarded as very significant the "climax run" that occurred begining end of JUN 2006. O'Neill is a guy who has climas runs down cold. Concurrent with a climax run are the stats on the causal factors of what is coming. Use The Economist as a good blow by blow narrative from quality assessors.

    rationally speaking, the end of the climax run put everything in its place by the end of that run. All the sleepy heads are awake by then.

    #109     Sep 19, 2009
  10. If anyone wishes they can use the Pool Extraction Paradigm and the SCT or PVT methods to annotate the price portion of the chart.

    Point 1 is the upper left and point 2 is the bottome that has been put in.

    Point 3 is the old point 1 of my prior chart on a faster fractal.

    So by looking at the two fractals, we can put a lot of things together.

    The chart you posted shows a "mega Bear", meaning a normalized really defined most outer shell fractal that is a lifetime level of duration so to speak. The BIG picture and it is normalized.

    Drilling down to the smallest observable detail usually isn't done on one chart. What is done however is building upward from the least observable on a trading fractal level.

    Naturally, a human is limited by his senses and rate of data feed slugs. Finer stuff is done on computers by placing the mind's operation into the computer as a software ATS. That is the state of the art so to speak and it means we are fully equipped.

    Do an annotation of the chart and put in the two fractal's anotations.

    After that, use a log to record all the levels you need from slowest to fastest. I go down to trading bar and intrabar level for both price and volume. In the limit for me I use a profile chart of PV called an OTR chart, and the volume is shown for each OTR tick. This is processed into a bit of math to filter the smart money's moves so I know where they are pushing the market before the market responds. This is very detaily and the point is that your chart gives a context for what these guys are going to be thinking about when it all hits the fan soon.

    We need to keep a continuing log of each fractal in the nest of fractals. Obviously, some times assocoated fractals are acting in concert and sometimes they are acting in opposition. What is prevailing at any time is the minority's point of view.

    In another post I spoke of cascading. this is a time when the minority is REALLY in charge and everyone knows it since the MM and risk of CW has stopped working totally (See traderzones for a typical CW orientation).

    I will detail out the annotation in the next post. this makes more clear WMCN on each fractal level. for those who are conscientious fill in the other fractal going up form your trading fratal or the OTR fractal. You will see that all the pieces fit together.

    If all of this were in the MTA stuff it would be like a total house cleaning over there. BUT let's not hope for that since they are the majority and consequently they are not in control. CW is the majority and by logic the majority are under the control of this type of paradigm I am speaking about.

    Next post is the annotated chart.
    #110     Sep 19, 2009