Does trading your own portfolio successfully look good to hirers?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by DarkProtoman, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. Does trading your own portfolio successfully look good to hirers?

    I'm currently swing-trading $500 (don't laugh, it's the money I set aside for this purpose) for the last few months, and I've made 35% by buying (selling) calls with low (high) IV/HV ratios, in the expection that a reversion to the mean will occur, with trailing stops to protect my downside.

    Don't HFs, IBs, and prop firms look for sound risk management skills, and the ability to be profitable over a period of time as a major criteria for hiring traders?

    Also, my GPA in my general education college classes is 2.95, unfortunately. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so I didn't apply myself. I have plenty of time to improve myself.

    What major do you recommend when I earn my BS degree at CSULB (only college I can afford), after I get my AS in cardiac sonography to pay for my college education.

    I'm highly partial to molecular biology, b/c I excell at that area of science, and that will open up opportunities like a biotechnology research career or medical school after graduation, if I can't get into a trading career.
  2. drcha



    There is a big dichotomy in your list of possible careers. I hope you will not mind if I offer some friendly advice. I realize you are not soliciting advice, but I hate to see young people work hard and succeed at getting somewhere, then realize that they don't really want to be there.

    For the last six years I have worked with a lot of people with advanced science degrees. Most of them are now working in clinical research with me (i.e. not really using their degrees) because they like people. Most folks who like people are bored by bench research. Are you a people person? What is the best part of your day? Is it doing the ultrasounds, or is it shooting the shit with the person you are scanning? This is the question you have to ask yourself. If you want to hang around in a lab all day playing with potions and instruments, go for molecular bio. If you don't, medical school is a reasonable idea.

    I have also been to medical school. No one on the admissions committees cares what your undergraduate degree is in. They care about your grades, your MCAT, your letters of recommendation, your interview/personality and your extracurricular activities. If those are excellent, you will get in, whether you're a molecular bio major or an art history major.
  3. I like doing the ECHOs and discussing my findings with the interpreting cardiologists. Talking with the patient is nice, but it can distract me from getting a good image...which no-one likes, b/c then we have to do it all over again.

    I really do enjoy molecular biology. My mom's old college textbooks on the subject are fascinating.

    Then again, me, my trader friend, my family both agree that I'm outstanding at finance and investing/trading strategies.

    Btw, you didn't answer my question.
  4. PPT


    I will try to answer. It depends. LOL.

    OK, if the person interviewing doesn't trade, then I say YES. It gives you more depth in your knowledge, an assumed expertise at all 10,000 stocks and markets, and most doctors I know are fascinated with the market. I'm sure they will later want your advice on individual stocks.

    However, if that person trades or knows someone that trades, they might then generalize you as a gambler or, worse, Bernie Madoff. I think it really comes down to who interviews you.

    If you make it interesting, they will think you are interesting.

    my 2 cents.
  5. In case you didn't know, I meant hirers for S&T departments of hedge funds or IBs.
  6. PPT


    my bad. introducing brokers, they won't care, but it's of course a plus as long as you can also sell and open up accounts.

    i think hedge funds care much more about your quant background and math ability.

    i know one mutual fund manager that runs over a billion dollars, and thinks trading is stupid and impossible to do. yes, the CTA type who really only looks at fundamentals. he's been doing it for 15 years.

    i give up if this offered zero value. :)
  7. Well, I plan on working for the equities trading desk of an IB.
  8. If you came into my office presenting trading credentials based on a few months or a $500 account, I would either:

    a) Laugh so hard I would cough up a kidney
    b) Think you were in serious need of a reality check
    c) Show you the door ASAP...

    Seriously. Don't try. $500 is "paper trading" and not "trading your own portfolio successfully..."
  9. I said *currently*. I plan on putting in a LOT more money, to bump it up to $5000. My ECHO job pays very well, and don't have much in the way of living expenses.
  10. $500, $5000.... doesn't matter. it is too little infer anything meaningful other than the fact you understand the basic mechanics of placing trades. I wouldn't even bother mentioning it other than to make the point you have some basic experience placing trades and a basic understanding of options.
    #10     Nov 2, 2009