Does the West need to actively and massively kill all Muslims?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gastropod, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Bring it on.

    Burning a quran should be no different than burning a bible or a torah but it's not. First it was the Muhammad cartoons, now this, and tonight Imam Rauf warned of violence if his mosque isn't handled right.

    Appeasing Hitler didn't work and appeasing islamofascists won't work either. We need to exterminate them.
    #41     Sep 9, 2010
  2. 377OHMS


    That Imam Rauf is one evil looking and sounding man.
    #42     Sep 9, 2010
  3. The world will tolerate it only until they go too far, like nuking something. Eventually the world realized that appeasing Hitler wouldn't work so the islamofascists' days are numbered if they get out of control. If they nuked a few cities, they will be destroyed and there will be a campaign to rid the world of their remnants that will dwarf denazification.
    #43     Sep 9, 2010
  4. I got the same feeling. We must be racists.
    #44     Sep 9, 2010
  5. Better yet, let's kill every islamofascist who commits an act of violence because of it. And officially declare you an idiot.
    #45     Sep 9, 2010
  6. +1
    #46     Sep 9, 2010
  7. I'm a REAL Muslim & I've just read some of the most uninformed disturbing load of crap I've ever had a chance to stumble upon on the internet..& that's a lot to say.

    Pastor Jones should be free to burn the Quran if that makes him happy, I don't give a rat's ass & I don't feel in the least offended by it. I've long ditched the paper version for an iPad "App" & actually burning the Quran is one of the few recommended methods of disposing of it. If they'll pay shipping, I'll send them a couple I've got lying around.

    The few wackos who'll protest & go apeshit about it represent as much % of the larger Islamic population as Mr Jones congregation is representative of mainstream american Christians (What ? 50 in a sea of 300 Million Americans.) There is no such thing as a "war of civilizations," There is a manufactured conflict whose continuation makes possible enormous defense budgets (with its own beneficiaries), a tight grip of pro-Israel likudnik neocons on US foreign policy, sometimes against US strategic interests....& reason to grandstand & self-glorify for a few losers in the islamic world who have long been marginalized & represent nothing but the tiniest of fringes since this great religion was born (our own version of pastor(s) Jones)

    Pastor Jones is an uninformed bigoted asshole & an attention whore (not unlike al Qaeda suicide bombers & their goodbye "tapes" ) & by all accounts, just look at the media attention, a brilliant "strategist / marketer"...but then so are those few islamists bent on spewing innocent blood & sucking everybody into a "crusade" like conflict. We're in the age of marketing by terrorism or sex tape. it's the only things that still get any attention from our attention span challenged "journalists"

    Let's face it, The media is an industry whose profit are driven by ratings. They don't care about moderates on both sides...because , well ,they're "boring", very much so...... inflammatory behavior drives ratings & it all flows from there. Mr Jones & Mr Bin Laden BOTH need each other to thrive.

    Here's my advice to you all. Get a Muslim friend. or even better, get your ass on a plane & go visit a mainstream Muslim country (Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Malaysia...... )hopefully you'll get to see that Muslims are just like you with the same aspirations, feelings, dreams, fears...& love.) It'll be the best 1k $ you've ever spent. will make you sleep better at night.
    if you're in DFW area, private message me. I might even carve some time to share a coffee with you....if that can help.

    you've been fed so much bullshit from Foxnews, you've turned paranoid.

    Get off the Hallucinogenic mushrooms.
    #47     Sep 10, 2010
  8. problem is that even good muslims have apeshit record especially in US, beheading wife because wanted to divorce her husband who was tolerance preaching psycho. There are numerous honor killing of daughters etc. No one of muslim organisations is condemning these horrific acts of violence commted by mainstream muslims.
    You have no credibility .
    #48     Sep 10, 2010

  9. you wanna compare the "pervasiveness" of honor killings among US Muslims to say.... the prevalance of murder-suicide incidents among Caucasians & on that basis alone extrapolate & make a judgement on the violence inducing potential of their belief system...........or say domestic abuse statistics across ethnicities ?

    all you have is a bigoted preconceived judgement based strictly on anecdotal "evidence"....aka foxnews reports.
    Are you sure you can stomach the FACTS , numbers?

    Go away asshole, you don't know what you're talking about.
    #49     Sep 10, 2010
  10. No i wouldn't want to compare apples to oranges, only you would like to try.

    Oh you are the nicest muslim around? I think so . So if you are the nicest one, i think you made my point, my tolerant muslim neighbor. You ,muslims are ALL short fused, intolerant freaks.
    #50     Sep 10, 2010