Does the Jack Hershey Method work?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by The Kin, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. My dear fellow, anytime you begin to believe in anything, whether it’s religion or a market idea, you automatically close your mind in an equal amount to everything else. Your mind is a see-saw, too much belief in one end, equals ignorance in the other. A good example of this is the extreme bible believers, they discount every single piece of scientific evidence and common sense and in order to maintain their belief. It brings them security, comfort. There are some that go under a complete spell from a guru, and no convincing him or her will make them change their mind. They wont be making any money following this “guru” but always justify it by rationalizing that its somehow them that are at fault….. Never the guru. “oh another $800 dollars lost this week… I must pay more attention to so n so” or “Maybe I should subscribe to so n so’s more advanced newsletter” etc. Very much like the battered wife syndrome.

    I’m not saying that your leader is that guru, just stating in generalities.

    Lets face it, anyone must have complete control over their own minds and have complete understanding of themselves before even thinking about making any money. By definition, if one is susceptible to others influence over the mind, then how do they even have a chance at mastering themselves?

    Anyone can “trade”, but to make money in this business 3 things must happen besides learning the fundamentals:

    1. Understand the markets. By that I mean understand the What, Who, Why, How, When, Where of the bullshit that goes on in a daily basis.

    2. Understand yourself. You will never make a dime in a consistent basis if you don’t truly know yourself.

    3. Awaken. A feeling that is difficult to describe, but you will know when it happens.

    Funny, how you and others that promote JH relate to the people that don’t. You come across as “the enlightened” and others are still “lost” in their journey, and are unable to see because they’re not on the same plane. Amusing, because that is one of the characteristics fanatics use to justify their beliefs.

    Ever been to an aquarium? See all that fish behind the glass……..Ever think the fish tell each other “look at all the people behind the glass” ? That is the difference between one who is awakened and one who is not.
    If you are a follower of anything, then you are in a school, just like the fish. You are the one that’s behind the glass and don’t realize it. A fish.

    Lastly, I have never seen a follower of JH that was comfortable in their own skin. Always trying to “maintain” a certain persona. Again, a characteristic of a fanatical believer. You see my posts? You notice I don’t keep any kind of style that will make others believe a certain way about me. I post anything , serious or silly, with total disregard how others will perceive me. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m bound by nothing. I have the confidence that allows me to be that free. If you think I can not trade, great, if you think I can, great. Don’t matter to me, I enjoy having debates and discussions of disagreements, such as in this post.

    I want to thank you and Jack for having such a large following here on ET, and hope that it will only continue. Hope it continues for many years.
    #41     Aug 10, 2008
  2. Quote from achilles28

    Jack marketed something old in a new way. His outlandish claims and bravado commentary made me take another look. The catch was discernment. Here's a guy whose obviously highly intelligent, coherent (yes, he is), that spends endless hours compiling a virtual encyclopedia of posts, expounding on trade theory, that in most threads, personally addressed a struggling traders problem.

    Yes. The experience is something like this:


    And the final payoff is something like this:

    #42     Aug 11, 2008
  3. achilles28


    Sorry it didn't work for you...
    #43     Aug 11, 2008
  4. Quote from Trader666:

    Here's a screenshot from Jack's camtasia, along with what the stock did afterwards.

    Sorry to hear Jack has contracted camtasia.
    Get well soon!
    #44     Aug 11, 2008
  5. achilles28


    works good for me. On FX, no less.

    Want a tissue?
    #45     Aug 11, 2008
  6. Maybe your not aware, but Jack has disclosed that he has cancer.

    I wouldnt be making fun of him
    #46     Aug 11, 2008
  7. No, I was not.
    #47     Aug 13, 2008
  8. Thats why i stopped my attacks on him.

    However, his underlings make it very difficult not to..... ........must have will power!
    #48     Aug 13, 2008
  9. maxpi


    #49     Aug 13, 2008
  10. Damn, and I thought I'd at least get honorable mention!
    #50     Aug 14, 2008