Does Terrorism Effect Your Trading?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gamalruach, Mar 24, 2004.

  1. LMAO!
    #31     Mar 25, 2004
  2. Not me.

    In fact it described what I aspire to be exactly: Rambo Trader.

    Roberk's signature (modified slighly):

    "The sniper (erm, trader) must possess great patience (and be able to make posters who don't like him look like morons on the forum), be capable of spending long hours in a position of relative isolation (yeah, like having a vaccuum cleaner nozzle hooked up to his wanker while surfing the net for "Wild Naked Teen" pics) while maintaining a state of constant alertness (damn right about that!) and be ready to take appropriate effective action (using Kleenex efficiently and making sure he has no mispelled wordds)." SWAT training manual

    #32     Mar 25, 2004
  3. Did we finally get rid of that guy?

    Daytrading Guerilla Tactics. <-- Anyone know where I can get that book?
    #33     Mar 25, 2004
  4. "I would quite like to attack him savagely."

    I trade my own money live in the Tokyo, UK and NY forex sessions every day Sunday thru Friday.

    Go for it.

    #34     Mar 25, 2004
  5. //shrug//

    That's just an average.

    #35     Mar 25, 2004
  6. Ya, it takes a ton of courage to be anonymous behind a keyboard.

    I only wish I had the courage to type cocksucker.

    #36     Mar 25, 2004