Does science make belief in God obsolete?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ShoeshineBoy, May 15, 2008.

  1. jem


    Your rhetoric, Bernard Richards, is crafty... but it is not logical.

    You argued exactly as I predicted. Attempting to take the focus off the message by bringing up nazi's.

    If a nazi said 2 plus 2 equals 4... would you say it was a lie because the author is a nazi?

    It is truth that matters not the messenger. A historical argument made by a Christian could be biased just as an argument made by a non Christian... the graveman of the issue is truth and accuracy not the messenger.

    As much as I would like to read greek and Hebrew, I do not have the time. I have to rely on concordances and the work of scholars.

    Luckily, I was familiar enough with the subject that I knew your statements were misleading and specious at best. I challenged you and you added very little to our knowledge. Our loss.

    As far as scholarship and quality of citations your Walker might have well have been Paul Walker. (I think he is an actor.) Your Walker's statements about hearsay were juvenile. I did not see him declaring he was a licensed attorney - so by your standards his work is worthless. They were worthless by jurisprudential standards as well.

    Just to let you know - there are so many exceptions to the hearsay rule - that a lawyer can almost always find a way to get important statements into a trial record. Frequently the evidence comes in for the truth of the matter asserted. (not just state of mind)

    Although in this instance the state of mind of a historian recording history would be quite probative on the issue of the "historicity" of a person. So in my considered legal opinion Joespheus' evidence would be allowed into a trial record as straight evidence, over a hearsay objection, or as an exception to a hearsay objection.

    your case has been dismissed for lack of credible evidence in support of your argument.

    #271     Jun 2, 2008
    #272     Jun 2, 2008
    #273     Jun 2, 2008
  4. jem


    you said I lied? You denied bringing nazi's into the discussion....

    here are the quotes... .

    I amazingly predicted...

    "and elohim - -

    Now I expect you will put down the messenger instead of the message. Proving you lack of concern for the truth."

    You responded.....

    "I'm surprised you didn't bring forth Mein Kampf or the Quran as well in this discussion if you could bring forth the Jews for Jesus teachings as a source.

    Am I really putting down the Jews for Jesus?

    Let's see. How do you like these statements. Jews for Hitler, and Jews for Mohammed.

    All of these statements are oxymorons.

    A Jew for Jesus is no longer a Jew, but a Christian.

    A Jew for Hitler is no longer a Jew, but a Nazi.

    And a Jew for Mohammed, is no longer a Jew, but a Muslim.

    By the name itself, Jews for Jesus, that these people have chosen they are showing that they are nothing more than cheap tricksters. There are only Christians for Jesus in the true meaning of the word "for."

    How is that for my lack of concern for the truth Jem?"


    By the way... I now predict you will will respond with more B.S. even though you claim - you put me on ignore. Your logic is weak, your concern for truth and accuracy weaker.
    #274     Jun 2, 2008
  5. jem


    regarding your other recycled b.s. arguments.

    I granted you that eusebius may have added a quote about jesus divinity.

    However, you know by now there are other sources and reasons scholars use - to show that Josepheus did reference Christ and his followers.

    Bringing this up quote up again shows how little you care for the truth.

    Quoting Walker again shows what a panzi you are. Walker makes a big deal about hearsay. He is wrong about hearsay - he has little understanding of hearsay.

    As far as historians recording history 30 years after the fact... thats what historians do... Otherwise they would be newspaper reporters.

    And least you forget, many of their accounts come from oral sources.
    #275     Jun 2, 2008
  6. Not the same as Our Father [patent pending].

    P.S. - Any unauthorized use of Our Father strictly prohibited without express written permission.

    #276     Jun 2, 2008