Does Obama Face a 2012 Challenge In His Own Party?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. Eight


    I saw a very detailed list of what Obama thinks about various issues and what the typical voter thinks about those same issues.. it was amazing.. Obama is 95% out of step... that means that little by little, as his thinking is exposed, 95% of voters will find something near and dear to their hearts that Obama opposes... all the right has to do is make it very plain what Obama thinks and does on every issue and keep repeating it... he won't expose what he thinks with that teleprompter, the conservatives have to do it... and they are really... it's fun to watch for me personally, I can't stand the far left...

    I was just listening to KPFK, this is a redical left outlet in Los Angeles, sister to KPFA in New York and another one in Berkely or somewhere... .anyhow, these Mexican Farm Worker Union organizers are speaking... and I'm realizing that they have gained nothing at all in forty years of doing that shit... in fact the leftist legislators in California could get together and pass about three laws, workers have to have water on hot days, workers have to have some access to an on the job nurse or something, and workers have to earn enough so they can afford to eat... and all the farm worker issues would be put to bed... so in forty years in power they never do this... it's all just a big frigging game folks... it has something to do with leftist Catholics or some shit, I can't figure it out, don't even care anymore...
    #11     Sep 8, 2009
  2. Reagan (cocksucker) gave amnesty to all the illegals and he is the best that the right has and the mofo has been dead for years...they don't have any other leader. I admit that Bush and Cheney did more to support the progressive movement than anyone else.
    #12     Sep 12, 2009
  3. I still stand by this. If Obama doesn't stop with the bipartisan crap he's not getting my vote.
    #13     Sep 12, 2009