Does IB TWS support this order type for NQ?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by dabao91, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. dabao91


    Does IB TWS support this order type for NQ?

    I understand that you can use IB TWS GAT (Good After Time) order type to specify a market or limit order to be executed at a specific time.

    For example, you can use GAT order type to buy NQ market at 8:30 AM (to simulate QQQQ market open order).

    Or, you can also use GAT order type to buy NQ limit at 8:30 AM (to simulate QQQQ limit order).

    QUESTION: I like to pre-place an order (similar to GAT) BEFORE 8:30 AM in such that it will check NQ price at 8:30 AM first, and it will base on such price (and plus/minus a pre-set offset value) to set a LIMIT order, can this be done?

    For example, at 8:00AM (before 8:30AM), I place such special LIMIT BUY order for NQ with an “offset” value of 10 relative to the 8:30 AM price.

    At 8:30 AM, assuming NQ price is 1800, so such order will automatically be come a LIMIT BUY order at price of 1800 - 10 = 1790.

    I understand that it is possible to use API to implement it. But I am looking for a way to just use TWS order type.

    Does IB TWS support above order type?