Does IB offer any gear Free or for Sale?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by hajimow, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. hajimow


    I have a good collection of T-Shirts and Caps from different companies. I am just wondering whether IB has any T-Shirt or Cap with its logo on it. I think that would not be bad a idea if IB offers a T-shirt or a Cap for those who had their account for a year with them. Even if IB does not offer it free, I am willing to pay for it. I would appreciate if I hear from an IB representative. I am not interested on pen or key chain or anything like that. Any other members interested?
  2. I'd say that a key chain would be nice !
  3. a t-shirt or hat would make me feel a little better about the down time the other day.
  4. huangks


    free beers n cigarettes would be nice :D nice lady with mini skirt would be a plus!
  5. DTK


    That stuff would be cool. Careful what you suggest though. They already seem a little overstretched with trying to add on lots of miscellaneous features to TWS. The strain that the manufacturing of pens, shirts, paperweights, hats, etc. may mean more downtime. ;) That being said I would love to have a T-shirt with a huge IB logo of the guy flipping the bird. :D

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  6. hajimow


    That stuff would be cool. Careful what you suggest though. They already seem a little overstretched with trying to add on lots of miscellaneous features to TWS. The strain that the manufacturing of pens, shirts, paperweights, hats, etc. may mean more downtime. ;)

    It was funny. The good thing is that I use Webtrader and except a problem that I had a month ago, now it works perfect. So simple and efficient trade environment. I also know that there are some companies that provide the T-Shirts with your logo on it and IB does not need to send his software guy to buy cotton :D
    I also hope if IB starts to think of providing those gears, they better get good quality stuff so we can wear them at work. As I said the best choice will be if they give out their gears for free or charge us the cost or below so everyone can get one and it will also be a good advertisement for IB.
  7. YEs a t-shirt is the least they could do for that hiccup yesterday!

    right? right!:D
  8. find a girl and get laid
  9. What is the best T-Shirt or Cap in your collection would you say?
  10. Good idea. I think they should give you a toaster when you open an account.
    #10     Aug 5, 2005