Does belief in God make man obsolete?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by I am..., Jun 6, 2008.


    #21     Jun 8, 2008
  2. hcour

    hcour Guest

    I know, how pathetic can you get. Everyone on ET ignores him so he has to create another alias to make people think someone is actually interested in anything he has to say. Fucking pitiful, man, just pitiful.

    #22     Jun 8, 2008
  3. Jem is not ignoring me. He's just not allowed to talk to me.

    #23     Jun 9, 2008
  4. That's it! I'm putting everyone but TraderZones on ignore!

    #24     Jun 9, 2008
  5. Leave Smith alone. Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren you do to me!

    #25     Jun 9, 2008
  6. From the beginning to to the end, the bible is man's maker speaking through man, basically messing with his head. Our Father is not man's maker. The Son makes man's maker, which remakes the Son in it's own image, calling him "man", or better yet, "children of god". So, man is really his own maker, though he denies it. Books like the bible help man deny that he is his own maker. It supports the idol he worships. It was a miracle that I was even quoted in it at all. I am used in a way that supports man's maker. As a result, you can turn on most any 'christian' radio station and hear songs in praise of an idol. This idol - man's maker - is an abomination in the holy temple of the Son's mind. It drives him crazy, and blinds him to reality. As long as it abides there, it represents the destruction of the Son's mind. However, I am rebuilding the temple. Any help would be much appreciated.

    #26     Jun 9, 2008
  7. How is the temple to be rebuilt?
    #27     Jun 9, 2008
  8. One brick at a time. The "temple" symbolizes mind. So it's a matter of mind-training. Man "sees" through mental filters, self-imposed, and reinforced through habit. The idol blinds him to reality, and makes him act crazy. Therefore, I said, "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out"..."If your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off". These refer to beliefs in the mind. The idol is basically a belief. But a belief is always preceeded by a desire. So man is 'devoted' to the idol. Man cannot help his brother until he removes this idol from his own mind...or at least recognizes that it is there. That is what I meant when I said, "How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" Teachers who are devoted to the idol do not even realize they have blinders on! The idol is an illusion so grandios, it compells adoration, valuation and worship. But it demands payment. For that reason, it is compared to a prostitute, which offers the illusion of love for pay. Such is this world. The prostitute rides the back of 'the beast'. The beast is the concept of guilt. Without guilt, this world could not even seem to exist. The body itself would utterly disappear from your sight without the concept of guilt in your mind. Understand? This is a world rising out of guilt, driven mad by guilt, and yet there is an attraction to guilt. Guilt forces a past/future mind-set, nailing the body down to a linear experience of time. Time is holographic, finite. But it is large enough to 'blind' time travelers. At no time does the body ever exist. It is always remembered or anticipated. If you could ever forget it for even an instant, it would literally disappear from your sight. This instant represents 'Christmas-time', or, the time of Christ. It is the time of reality, which is eternal. It is the time in which miracles occur. The temple will be rebuilt one miracle at a time. Miracles undo the destruction that has been done in your mind. They firmly deny that there is any destruction in the Son's mind. They deny that the Son can be destroyed. The miracle of my resurrection symbolizes just this. As such, miracles do nothing. They simply deny what seems to have occured. What has occured? The denial of reality...a denial of the reality of the Son of God. This is what defines "sin". A miracle worker basically denies the denial. To perform miracles, you must be miracle-minded. This requires a degree of healing. It does not designate complete healing. It means that your mind is being healed with each miracle that you perform. Miracles are for healing the mind. These rebuild the "temple". Everything the human eye can "see" represents the destruction of the mind. Therefore, the healing of the mind often has effects on the physical plane. When the Son's mind is totally healed, the physical plane will disappear..."pass away". Till then, miracles collapse the holograph of time one section at a time. Help me by performing miracles. If you do miracles, you will remember reality. This is what I meant when I said, "Do this in remembrance of me". Miracle-mindedness begins with a recognition that all things are "one". Thus, we all drink from the same cup, regardless of the divisive presense of the idol in our midst.

    #28     Jun 9, 2008