does anyone know the real reason why the EU reached the agreement suddenly?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noblehawk, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. does anyone know the real reason why the EU reached the agreement suddenly? As just 10 hours ago it seems to be impossible to reach the deal, and they even asked Greece to leave EU temporarily for 5 YEARS!
  2. zdreg


    they reached an agreement out of fear that the house of cards known as the euro would come tumbling down.
    of course, governments like most people fail to realize that a short sharp pain is better than a long lingering pain.
  3. TKOSTA74


    Wasn't suddenly.basically Germany gave Greece a deadline and the Greek prime minister lost his marbles and signed.its funny because the Greeks just had a referendum and voted no to the austerity,then Germany gives them a shitter deal and they sign that one.
    time for a revolution 3 2 1.............
  4. all they had to do was to make some 'hard decisions'.
  5. zdreg


    where are you living now?
  6. romik


    Still has to be passed by Greek parliament and of course with over 60% voters against continuation of austerity people may yet retaliate against new reforms. We don't know what exactly goes on behind closed doors.
  7. TKOSTA74


    In my comfort zone called sydney australia
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if He Who Wears No Tie was threatened behind the scenes but he may really be this dumb.

    After Dubya, one would think that the publisher of the Dummies books would've written a "How to Govern a Soveriegn State for Dummies." There are quite a few people out there who really need this!

    Greece is now a German protectorate.

    Good luck to the Spanish who may try something at year's end.
  9. Lol. Just like that? so easy and simple?
  10. The real reason why the EU reached the agreement suddenly is the fact that Greece finally agreed with what Europe wanted.
    The correct question would be: does anyone know the real reason why GREECE reached the agreement suddenly?
    #10     Jul 13, 2015
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