Does anyone know anything about Open Hydro?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Reaver, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. I do not trade stocks, and this is not any recommendation or anything at all. I know jack shit about this stock....

    It is not publicly traded or anything to my knowledge....

    There is a guy in the paper recently around here in FL that designed a turbine and had a company named Florida Hydro that supposedly was bought by Open Hydro.....

    I have found a few articles on the web here and there but nothing really tangible...this clown is running around holding meetings in the area and stuff trying to get older folks to invest with him and for shits and giggles wondered if there was anyone out there that tracked this stock or had any info about the company.

    Just a shot in the dark, figured I'd ask. I'm a futs guy, so this stuff is beyond me. lol
