Does anyone find this a bit disturbing?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ang_99, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. I'm not Black and I can't stand Chris Rock. I'm just watching insecure white men acting like scared cowards, pointing to the "Blacks" for the ills of this world and their own shortcomings.
    For my type, You're the NEW Black. you just don't know it yet, time will show.
    Forget Obama, Forget McCain, fly out of your shitty crappy red state fly infested ranch, fly to Shanghai or Dubai and SEE where the future is.
    Obama or not, you're history.

    I care less about Obama winning than seeing the GOP humiliated, dispirited, empty, over with.
    #11     Nov 4, 2008
  2. fly to Shanghai or Dubai and SEE where the future is.

    Imo, this is the 21st century's game of ping pong from the Nixon years. Their gain does not have to equal our loss.
    #12     Nov 4, 2008
  3. Nice one Chris! You caused me to spit up coffee on my keyboard.:D :p :D
    #13     Nov 4, 2008
  4. I live in a BLUE state. I live in OBAMA'S HOME city.

    You should walk at night through the South and West Sides of Chicago. Black folk just LOVE Asian's.
    #14     Nov 4, 2008
  5. One reason Asia is kicking ass is because they have a minimal Black African population.....
    #15     Nov 4, 2008
  6. Who gives a shit about Blacks when the current account deficit is with Asia.
    I mean, seriously, the more importance you give them, the more they blind you to real challenges.
    I don't listen to black music, don't live in black neighborhood, remain cordial but never get too close. My life is minimally impacted by Blacks, if not for watching "cops" from time to time.....

    I even avoid a line in starbucks if it's served by Blacks (sorry yes. they are slow & lazy)...
    BUT why do I let Blacks rule my life ? This is what's beyond me.....
    #16     Nov 4, 2008
  7. I don't associate with Blacks and feel "in tune" with middle class (White) America values. I cringe @ some "Black" behavior I see at the mall / TV / elsewhere. Black culture is destructive and decadent
    This is not where we diverge, we diverge on our judgment about Obama (I don't associate him with the Jackson/ Sharpton crowd, you do).
    #17     Nov 4, 2008
  8. There's a HUGE social cost that the leftist media loves to ignore.

    I don't know anyone who has died in Iraq but I knew a couple of dozen people who were murdered in Chicago.

    Why is real estate so expensive within certain sectors of major metro's? The gap in price between neighborhoods is the highest in history. The housing cost to keep ones family safe is a needless waste of resource and utility. For example in Chicago 29 schoolchildren were killed in the 2007-2008 school year in gang shootings. Hence a father has to pay 3x more for "safe" suburban housing to shield his kids.

    Not to mention the fiscal costs of police, prisons and various aid programs.

    I LMFAO at the schmuks who call ME a racist. I PURPOSELY live in a mixed neighborhood. The suburban Midwest/Northeast/Canadian voter who cries Pabst is a racist are the TRUE racists because they CHOOSE whitebread no hassle living. Those libs are HYPOCRITES.

    As I posted a few months back:

    You may notice this post went unanswered.

    Too funny.

    I'm a guy who unflinchingly posts the most anti-PC stuff imaginable yet I'm one of the few white guys here who lives in a majority minority neighborhood.

    At one time Iceman lived in Chicago. But then like so many other bleeding heart libs he high tailed it to a place where he's miles from the nearest black guy.

    I'm sure you know the type. Mostly broads. I've had dozens of conversations like this with my ex-city friends liberal wives.

    Uptight MILF: Oh Pabst we really miss Chicago since we moved 35 miles away into our lilly white suburb.

    Pabst: Well then why'd you leave?

    MILF: It's different now that we have kids.

    Pabst: Why? Your husband and me grew up in the city.

    MILF: That was then. (code word then means back when Chicago was white.) Now the schools are so bad and Josh is able to walk to school without any trouble.

    Pabst: Yea but if everyone keeps feeling like you then the Chicago schools won't have any white kids. It's like reverse discrimination. Besides Chicago spends the exact same on education as your suburban district plus you have easy access to culural institutions. I know you want Josh to be exposed to some diversity.

    MILF: Oh our suburb is very diverse. Josh is friends with this simply adorable Thai girl who lives down the block.

    Pabst then pukes up his Jack Daniels on Milfs satin blouse.

    Fade to black

    #18     Nov 4, 2008
  9. Sorry.....hopefully it caused a short circuit of your hot key to SHORT the ES at 995.00 for a nice pre-opening hit!!! :eek: :cool:
    #19     Nov 4, 2008
  10. Nice one. I came in long and covered at 991. I thought getting out was the wrong thing to do, lol. Better lucky than good.....:)
    #20     Nov 4, 2008