does america do enough for world hunger

Discussion in 'Politics' started by morganist, Nov 7, 2009.

  1. pspr


    The U.S. is already the largest donor on the list and the largest on many other lists of foreign aid. I'm tired of all the foreign aid this country spends to help others only to be told we are a piece of sh*t country.

    Where is Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Quwate (sp?), and other rich oil nations? They don't provide foreign aid unless it helps their military. Muslim nations provide little to no foreign aid to anyone.

    I would like to see the U.S. stop ALL foreign aid until we are out of debt. Let the rest of the world see what it is like without the U.S. helping them.
    #21     Nov 8, 2009
  2. jprad


    I could, but it would help you more to find the facts out for yourself.

    You know, teach a man to fish and all...
    #22     Nov 8, 2009
  3. How about this -

    Next time an overpopulated area of the world needs food aid - and I'm talking about the areas that frequently need this - the repeat offenders.

    No food aid until everyone that already has a kid gets "fixed." Vasectomies and tubes tied - that kind of thing. No more having 5-10 kids because you're too busy fucking and not busy enough farming.

    Only then do we give them food.

    They have a choice: snip=food... no snip, no food.
    #23     Nov 8, 2009
  4. Helping a country feed it's hungry with sacks of food does nothing.

    Establish trade policies to those same countries and they become empowered. Look at China...

    Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, show him how to fish & ...
    #24     Nov 8, 2009
  5. morganist

    morganist Guest

    good argument. the only problem is religion.
    #25     Nov 8, 2009
  6. Jim Rogers once wrote a great article on how the IMF, World Bank, etc were building water holes and bridges to nowhere all over the 3th world only not to the benefit of the people but their own.

    A burocratic elite leeching on the locals and western taxpayers.:)

    Too bad Rogers' site is down because it has been virus hit.

    I mailed him about it and he said he would fix it but it's still down.
    #26     Nov 8, 2009
  7. Aok


    Morgan, sorry to dump on you but Im sick of this shit.

    There are poor, hungry bastards in Harlem, in Indiana, in South East Los Angeles, in New Orleans still reeling from Katrina.

    World hunger, global warming etc etc is just a Hegelian construct to consolidate political power anyhow.

    How do you explain when whitey was thrown off his farms in some egalitarian notion of political correctness, Zimbabwe goes from being a net food exporter to net food beggar and having to hunt meat from the game reserves?

    The United States needs to take care of it's own citizens FIRST. AND Yes, that means get the hell out of Arabia, Japan, Germany, China and wherever else we are sticking our noses.

    They dont love us anyhow.

    No matter how much aid they receive.

    In fact it's an insult to the samurai, the bedouin, the saxon, the man with a red star on his hat.

    BTW, what Thanksgiving, Xmas soup line are you volunteering in? I will be happy to donate food in addition to what Im already giving my local shelters as an evil capitalist.

    Im serious. I'll make a donation in your name. Just tell me the bread line.
    #27     Nov 8, 2009
  8. zdreg


    the US is far from being 10x wealthier per capital than the the UK.

    #28     Nov 8, 2009
  9. One of the silliest things posted on ET for quite some time. A real achievement.
    #29     Nov 8, 2009
  10. Aok


    Is that an argument to the contrary or just some rambling?
    #30     Nov 8, 2009