Do you use a Mac or Windows for trading ?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by bitgooods, Apr 13, 2021.

  1. destriero


    The XDR is amazing, but I sold it as a pkg deal as they were sold out at the time so I recovered my cost (with corp discount) on the XDRs. I went with these:
    #11     Apr 14, 2021
    Scalping_Padawan likes this.
  2. wartrace


    Now my non-snarky answer. I use windows machines because the operating system is the most popular worldwide. I have never had a compatibility issue. I build and upgrade computers myself and it seems easier to use windows than any other operating system. Windows computers are the "Ford F-150" of the computer world. They may be less "fashionable" or lack style but they do the job day in and day out.

    In my experience, there are two types of Apple users. Programmers and snowflakes. There is a case to be made that writing programs is easier on an Apple machine. The other folks want to be special by overpaying for a PC with that extry special apple logo on it.
    #12     Apr 14, 2021
    cobco and Ninja like this.
  3. Don't forget musicians, graphic designers, photo editors, videographers, video editors. All of these groups of ppl find value in Macs and have specific software that either only works on mac or the versions on mac are better. Mac is the industry standards for ppl in these groups.

    I would argue that linux is the backbone of the internet is it is the highway, and windows is the city bus, train or daily commuter. I dont have OS snobbery one bit. I like Windows for what it provides, but it is a bit clunky; I like mac os, but every chance i get to upgrade Apple just doesn't perfectly fit my use-case. I once quit windows for 8 years to use linux during that period because windows ate my homework (lost 40 hours of work), then played around with chromebooks and ran a successful business just from that snazzy toy, then needed windows again for work specific stuff, then needed windows even more to do certain things in trading natively/locally.
    #13     Apr 14, 2021
  4. destriero


    You windows users are so fuckng macho. I came from a Unix background (AIX, Solaris) so I preferred to use macOS.
    #14     Apr 14, 2021
    katrx84 and cobco like this.
  5. It doesn’t matter I guess. More important things to worry about rn.
    #15     May 4, 2021
  6. Axon


    Linux here. Sierra Chart works great in Wine.

    #16     May 4, 2021
  7. virtusa


    #17     May 4, 2021
  8. mlawson71


    I use Windows for everything, not just trading.
    #18     May 5, 2021
    gkishot likes this.
  9. Tavurth


    There's also security considerations to take into account.

    Mac and Linux machines tend to be more secure because less people write viruses targeting them, and they have a stricter security policy. Most windows machines I've seen or used have at least some malware installed.

    If you're going to use windows, sandbox your accounts and use two factor authentication to prevent a hacker having easy access to your systems.
    #19     Jun 13, 2021
    Onra and TimtheEnchanter like this.
  10. I am divorced from MS-Windows as it is a piece of the shit operating system. Only use Mac now. Maybe for trading, it is not the best but I am not that active trader to matter.
    #20     Jun 13, 2021
    Onra likes this.