Do you think posting lowers your ability to trade?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by bobcathy1, Jun 5, 2003.

  1. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    Guess that is it then.......:eek:
    #21     Jun 5, 2003
  2. in all seriousness,

    if you truly believe in your "killer" methods..

    then posting or doing cartwheels in nude for that matter..

    wouldn't affect your trading.

    would it?

    i gather your a trend trader..

    then what are you afraid of..

    a losing day or two to the chop?

    something is bothering you..

    #22     Jun 5, 2003
  3. Sometimes I get a hefty sock of negativity from this board, other times it exaddurates my sense of futility, and other times I walk away with a profound piece of wisdom. I believe when I've graduated my beginner status, I will visit much less often.
    #23     Jun 5, 2003
  4. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    Yes, there is.
    Trying to figure how to put it out of my mind
    so I can make a living for the two of us like I used to.
    Pressure is not nice.
    #24     Jun 5, 2003
  5. ratso


    The number one thing I did to improve my trading was to give my trades more time to develop. That is, I just started waiting longer once I was in and not jumping out at every little wiggle against me.

    I did find that posting my trades in realtime made this a little bit harder. The desire not to be wrong is magnified when 10 other people are watching you :)

    However I still think that posting my trades in one of the many free trading rooms on Othernet helps with discipline and learning from other traders. There are a lot of good traders in these rooms and by posting my trades many of them have seen the (to them) obvious mistakes I was making and stepped forward to help.

    Some of the free rooms that are good are: #EminiFutures, #es-traders, #s&p, and #emini.

    Can anyone recommend any other good free rooms?
    #25     Jun 5, 2003

  6. thank you !

    #26     Jun 5, 2003
  7. nkhoi


    when you get ET email, click on SECOND link to un-subscribe them, do that often and you will be free from ET urge to chit chat.
    #27     Jun 5, 2003
  8. See if you can use this attachment
    #28     Jun 5, 2003
  9. i've found that trading..

    is cutting into my posting here..

    so i'm cutting back on..

    the trading.

    #29     Jun 5, 2003
  10. Kermit



    I don’t think excessiveness in anything is particularly good. But then, only you can decide what excessive posting and reading of posts is for you. If it’s ruining your edge for trading, then definitely cut back on it. I frequent the ET boards to get fresh ideas and see if they fit in the context of my current trading system. I definitely get exposed to many of them through reading the various posts, but at least I get to choose which ones to explore further and which not. As for posting in chats, it’s just not my style. I can’t trade and post at the same time. It just doesn’t work for me, so I don’t even try.

    #30     Jun 5, 2003