O.K., I admit it. at times I talk/yell at my computer when trading. Sometimes out loud if no one is around, or under my breath if I'm not alone. It's like the bid/ask is a dog at the track I'm betting on. " Come on baby bust through that level, come on baby!!!!!" Hey, don't look at me that way! Like you've never done it yourself. What a great idea for a poll.
I have been known to chant; 'gunga-gunga-galunga-gunga-gunga-galunga' while waiting for a move to come to fruition...
i wouldnt really call what i do talking, but rather yelling at the top of my lungs , screaming so hard that the vains in my neck and forehead start to burst !!!
LOL...yeah, I talk to my computer..."come on baby! daddy needs some mo money" and I talk to the cat too. but i don't yell at all. on good days the radio gets turned up nice and loud. if its not a good day, it's quiet in here. Happy Trading
Of course I talk to my computer. I talk to my car too....... and the cats on the dock...... but not to the pink elephants....... oh no Mr. Bill:eek:
It's the people who don't talk to their computers who are the sickies. This trading stuff is life or death combat. I know the bastard on the other side of my trade is squealing in delight at my misfortune, the least I can do is to call into question his relationship with his mother, while at the same time trying to cut a deal with the Big Guy Upstairs...