Do you still get the dividend if your short the shares?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by bat1, May 11, 2013.

  1. bat1


    Thank you sir for not putting me down and saying it like it is

    looking at the chart it's at a top So I shorted it and did not realize
    it's going exdividend I'm still looking to cover at 54 so that's 6k
    I will gain and now the div will cost me 2,820 that's still a 3k gain
    #11     May 11, 2013
  2. Scary that people like this trade
    #12     May 11, 2013
  3. bat1


    You don't take any risk?
    #13     May 11, 2013
  4. koolaid


    unbelievable question....the internet never ceases to amaze me. why would you get dividends for shares you do not own? It's common sense. If anything the guy you borrowed the shares from is owed his dividend.
    #14     May 12, 2013
  5. Priceless
    #15     May 12, 2013
  6. ofthomas


    i commend you for having guts and trading without knowledge... but i bet that everyone that sold short @ 46-48 thought the same thing as you did, we reached a top (let's short it!) ... and that those shorting 51-52 though the same... but the stock is at $56.46, was raised by a few analysts and had better than expected earnings... it is outperforming the market(26% YTD) ...has ~250K short shares only(options volume hasnt really spiked)... everyone else is long..

    what makes you think it made a top? I would be curious to know...
    #16     May 12, 2013
  7. ofthomas


    there is such a thing as smart risk... and not so smart risks... specially when the person taking the risks has not learned enough about the possible consequences of the actions he/she is taking...
    #17     May 12, 2013
  8. It can get even stranger. , First of all there are shares which become hard to borrow ..

    Then you have to pay the short interest,,, also uhave to pay borrowing costs. ,, it can run to 20 percent annually,,, And the best of all.... They can unilaterally close out your short position,,, They will say the shares got called.... See ,, only the big boys are allowed to hold on to short positions,,, Same thing for a naked call..... Once I had. A short call , and it got assigned. It was in the money,,, so I had to pay dividend,,, and then it was called for the reason above,,,, so when u r short. ,, u r at their whim and fancy,,,,, of the big boys,,,,,
    #18     May 12, 2013
  9. I have to second that, esp "shares got called" there is no way to know about this situation, prove or disprove.

    And sheesh for all the haters out there, people go long before dividend date hoping to collect the dividend, too.

    I say for the most part the stock is probably going to drop the amount of dividend and it'll be a wash. There's no free and easy money trading around the dividend.
    #19     May 12, 2013
  10. It's up in the might be able to vote...:cool: fw that's worth..:D
    #20     May 12, 2013