Do you gun law people also believe we should ban cars?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tango29, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. tango29


    Hmm, higher car insurance rates, higher alcohol taxes, lost productivity, higher security costs(ie drunk checkpoints with cops on overtime). Same as everything. Again why not enforce the current laws and put people behind bars and keep them there? I can give you 2 gun and one knife killing here in the last 2 months that were all committed by individuals that were just out of prison, and in all cases they didn't serve the complete sentence. In one a judge had decided the guy didn't pose a threat as he had gone to counseling while in prison and was able to deal with his anger now. I guess not. Also, how about people with mental illness stay in an institution, and doctors have the ability to commit without the worry that they will be sued. A law saying a mentally ill person can't have a gun does nothing to stop them from getting a gun, nor will more background checks as we see felons with guns all the time, and gee, let's see it is illegal for them to have guns.
    #11     Apr 19, 2013
  2. pspr


    We need to remember that for some ET posters the phrase, "Once an idiot always an idiot" applies at all times. No matter the issue, expect these posters to come out on the wrong side. We both know exactly who these posters are. :D
    #12     Apr 19, 2013
  3. And yet anyone can buy a car without having a license.
    #13     Apr 19, 2013
  4. Ricter


    Theory vs. practicality.
    #14     Apr 19, 2013
  5. Plus, you don't need to register a car or get plates if you keep it in your garage and don't take it out.

    The issue here is that liberals seem incapable of understanding that there are tradeoffs in life. All they seem able to process is a linear proposition that 1)guns kill, 2)people get killed by guns, 3)therefore ban guns and no more killing. They refuse to recognize that without guns, the weaker are at the mercy of the strong. a woman alone is afraid of every squeak in the night. An elderly person is at the mercy of thugs.

    Most liberals are too self-absorbed by their own sense of moral superiority to think past the superficial guns=bad logic. That's why they reacted with horror to the NRA's sensible suggestion that school personnel be armed. It never occurred to them that virtually every other givernment facility is protected by armed guards.

    Many of them, like Diane Feinstein, are utter hypocrites who want to take away the only means of protection ordinary people have, while they themselves are safe and secure in gated communities with armed guards.
    #15     Apr 19, 2013

  6. Most states do have a background type check. If your license is suppended or revoked in one state then there is a good chance you can't get a license in another. Next.
    #16     Apr 19, 2013
  7. All you guys are scared of being put on a list so they can come and take your guns away from you. Guess what, most of you are already on the list...NRA. Me I'm not on that list so I'll still have my guns after the guberment comes and gets yours.
    #17     Apr 19, 2013
  8. And yet an assault weapon can kill 20 people in two minutes and there is no other redeeming feature about it. It is designed to kill. Each of those kids at Newtown had at least three bullet put into them.
    #18     Apr 19, 2013
  9. LEAPup


    I've been saying for years, trying to stop mass shootings through more gun control would be like trying to curb drunk driving by making it hard for people to buy cars.
    #19     Apr 19, 2013
  10. So you've been saying stupid things for years. What a surprise. Yes it would be like trying to prevent repeated drunk drivers from killing people by revoking their licenses. Those drunk driving laws are destroying our liberties.
    #20     Apr 19, 2013