Do you feel bad? Should you?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by tampa, Nov 10, 2002.

  1. LMAO!!:D
    #21     Nov 10, 2002
  2. What it comes down to is this all pretty anonymous and you don't know who's on the other end when you make a trade. Most of the time it's big professionals who don't need your sympathy and wouldn't care if you were run over by a steamroller, and wouldn't mind driving that steamroller and deliberately running you down. So you don't need to waste your energy worrying about them.

    You need to spend your energy figuring how not to get flattened by them yourself
    #22     Nov 10, 2002
  3. tampa


    Funny how assholes who make up crap to hide their stupidity, bigotry, and reckless disregard for the truth didn't make your list. But I guess we both know why - don't we?
    #23     Nov 10, 2002
  4. tampa


    Now when I posed the question that started this thread, I did not answer it - nor did I imply an answer one way or the other.

    I find it interesting that so many felt it necessary to "justify" their replies.
    For the record< I do not fell bad, but I probably should. Fortunately, the system is set up so that it is completely impersonal. Were it not, I don't think that I could stomach it.

    My greed and indifference toward my fellow man is no better than yours. My only redeeming quality is that I at least think about it from time to time. The markets, as you and I use them, serve no purpose other than to transfer wealth from one pocket to another. I dream of taking every last cent from you, just as you dream of doing the same to me. No matter how you try to spin it, that is anything but a healthy attitude.
    #24     Nov 10, 2002
  5. Tampa,

    You are quite an interesting fella.

    Whats in your signature line. I'm unable to read it. A web address?
    #25     Nov 10, 2002
  6. It's nature's sick joke that those least deserving of reproduction are the most apt to it.

    When you think about it, the smarter people are, the more they hesitate to reproduce, thereby allowing the bottom of the barrel to outpace them. It would seem this pattern would lead to an increasingly stupid human race. However, at the risk of sounding overly cynical, I sometimes think that nature intends it this way.

    Isn't capitalism dependent on large numbers of idiots? Aren't 500 idiots for every 1 intelligent person necessary? Doesn't the guy who owns the factory need 500 minimum wage workers to make him rich?

    If everyone were a rich genius, capitalism would have a very serious problem.

    The only way to escape this vicious cycle would be socialism, and we all know how well that worked out...
    #26     Nov 10, 2002
  7. tampa


    Wrong. It's not the only way.

    Socialism only takes hold when the 500 think that they are being exploited, and act. The best way to avoid that happening is to be a little more fair in dealing with the "masses". This is such a repugnant concept to the "factory owner", that he tries to convince the little guy that it is a form of socialism. The ONLY way to preserve capitalism is to toss the little guy a few more crumbs - and stop lying to him.
    #27     Nov 10, 2002
  8. It's a little difficult to read your behind all that profanity, but I thought I'd at least look it up on the internet since I was not quite sure if I remembered the number 2041 correctly, so that I don't appear to fall (or feel? --- I'm not that good a speller) into that category of "assholes who make up crap":
    #28     Nov 10, 2002
  9. It is supposed to look like a web address, but of course, if you point your browser to it, you will find that there is nothing there:

    It's a "making up crap" thing that tampa's going through.
    #29     Nov 10, 2002
  10. tampa


    Funny, I looked at the site, but failed to find anything about "liberals" saying that folks were entitled to free food or free luxury cars. Perhaps you listed the wrong URL?

    BTW - glad to see that you read my journal - it's quite entertaining - don';t you think?
    #30     Nov 10, 2002