Do you believe in time travel?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Maverick74, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. Maverick74


  2. do you also believe in ghosts, goblins and santee claus too :p
  3. r-in


    Lol, I saw that on a Yahoo news story as well as the first picture to include people. Hey, I never assume that it couldn't happen, but I have to admit I need first person proof before I believe it. Listen to classic Art Bell shows and you might become a believer. When he was first on the air he had this and other great topics, then he and his replacements got lost in the mundane end of world, ie 2K conspiracy and crap. Anyway, good stuff, and I really do say, you just never know.
  4. Maverick74


    Here is one way to look at it. Do you think it's possible let's say 10,000 years from now, that we will have the technology to time travel? Or really any date in the future, just pick a big number. If you think that's possible, then that means given an infinite amount of time, technology would exist to bring someone back to any date in the past. Obviously it's hard to imagine that today but you have to think about it through the lens of infinite time. Even if man is no longer living on this planet, that would not matter as he could travel back to any location or time.

    Btw, Stephen Hawking believes in time travel.
  5. It would be possible if we could figure out how to travel faster than the speed of light.
  6. Maverick74


  7. This is incorrect. You can travel into the future but we wouldn't be able to go back in the past.

    Stephen Hawking believes in time travel into the future.
  8. r-in


    I by no means discount it. I don't necesarily think it is something of the distant future. The key will be whether an individual comes up with technology or a government. There are incredible ramifications I would imagine either way, but the idea of a government having the capabiltity is frightening.
    When I was in college a couple of decades ago I had friends who are now involved in research into what wasn't imaginable then, but now is realistic. I honestly believe that we live in world where anything is possible, and it is a matter of time before the next truly amazing breakthrough comes along. Maybe time travel, but I may never know about it before I die.
  9. r-in


    I will clarify, my idea of amazing breakthrough is way beyond something akin to the internet, but something close to time travel, maybe a cure for all cancers, for which maybe we aren't ready for the ramifications as horrible as that implies.
    #10     Oct 28, 2010