Do Traders have a high alcoholic Rate?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by jsmooth, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. ET Traders
    • Traders drink
    • Traders have ADD
    • Traders have lesions on their brain
    • Traders smoke
    • Traders are egotistical
    #41     Sep 25, 2005
  2. Perseus


    I am a little suspicious of people afraid of alcohol, they just seem a little too uptight to me. Studies have shown that greater health and longevity occurs among moderate drinkers, somewhat due to the physical benefits but more to do with emotional makeup IMO.

    Remeber Hitler would not drink but Churchill did quite a lot. Of course though too much is bad, just as too much food or excercise is bad as well.

    I have made my choice, I both excercise and drink.
    #42     Sep 25, 2005
  3. saxon


    IMO...drinking during the day is strictly for losers. I don't care who you are or how long you've been trading.

    I mean, we all know that trading is a difficult business when you are firing on all cylinders! So when someone gives themselves a additional handicap--like alcohol during market hours...that can only mean one thing: they are EXPECTING to lose.

    And such expectations usually become self-fulfilling.

    Hey...if you want some recreational action--drink in hand--go to Vegas. But don't foul your own professional nest.

    #43     Sep 25, 2005
  4. Ebo


    Nothing like jump starting the day with a few Mimosas pre-market.
    #44     Sep 25, 2005
  5. gnome


    One who produces a higher level of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase can tolerate more without becoming alcoholic or even tipsy.

    Asians and American Indians have low levels... women generally have less than men.

    All of that aside, having a few won't impare trading on soundly based principles. (But if you're going to partake, drink the good stuff. Life is too short to trade on cheap beer.):D
    #45     Sep 25, 2005
  6. ig0r


    I'm in college and I trade equities full time. I have yet to be drunk during the day but have stayed out drinking into the wee hours of the morning and always feel great waking up and doing the opening :D
    #46     Sep 25, 2005
  7. I honestly believe the people that are alcholoics and are traders could possibly suffer from compulsive disorders. Trading is stressful, positive outlets are needed otherwise people will seek out negative ones. I eat sweets after a good or bad trade. Have I considered going to overeaters anonymous, yes. Sometimes I am good and go to the gym instead. When I trade poorly I am my own worst enemy, not the markets!
    #47     Oct 17, 2005
  8. Now comes something you probably didn't know: Hitler was a filthy tweeker. He received multiple amphetamine injections daily.

    I never make shit up. Look it up if you want.
    #48     Oct 17, 2005
  9. You gotta tell us some stories. Do the rich guys on average tip well? What kind of people are the worst tippers? What was the largest tip you got?
    #49     Oct 17, 2005