Do Not Buy Gas May 19, 2004!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SKRILLA'S_BACK!, May 18, 2004.

  1. Should traders that work at home get rid of their SUVs, or should people that have a two-hour commute get rid of their sedans?
    #21     May 19, 2004
  2. pspr


    Yes. And buy a horse.

    #22     May 19, 2004
  3. Gas is cheap.
    #23     May 19, 2004
  4. mgkrebs


    #24     May 19, 2004
  5. funky


    hells yeah it will. just look at the automobile industry....ever heard of subsidies? bailouts?
    #25     May 19, 2004
  6. stephenm


    This idea sounds good but it doesn't work. All you would be doing is setting your purchase back by a day or two. You are still using the same amount of gas just buying it on a different day. Try purchasing gas from a smaller retailer. This would take business from the larger companies and force them to lower their prices to get you back. Or use less gas.
    #26     May 19, 2004
  7. r-in


    I'm going go fill my Hummer, then go back home and get the Ford Expedition. Maybe I'll even go to the storage unit and get out the Lamborghini, take it for a few laps on the freeway and filler up.
    After I put that away I'm going to jump in my Geo Metro and stop by the atation on the way home and top it off too.
    #27     May 19, 2004
  8. I was getting fuel for my VW (25mpg + on cruise control) on Sunday and heard two guys bitching about the cost. "fuck me man...I filled up my suburban twice this week for $70 bucks a pop" "yeah I hear yah man...I have a Tahoe..its killing me".

    You know what..F YOU and your gas guzzling, small penis compensator. You want to drive that monster you have to pay the price....freaking housewives driving H2`s to bring little Johnny fatass to Baskin Robbins is way over the top.

    I love being an American and I fought for this country. But is anyone else feeling like Rome besides me?
    #28     May 19, 2004
  9. Hopefully enough liberals believe this will have an effect so that lines are a bit shorter around rush hour.
    #29     May 19, 2004
  10. funky


    what, you didn't hear? its hip to be stupid! :confused:
    #30     May 19, 2004