Do my S/D levels look correct?

Discussion in 'Forex' started by Ronjohn, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Ronjohn



    I am learning about S/D levels and wanted to ask more experienced traders if my levels look correct. I have been looking for patterns and playing with the charts. Would appreciate any feedback. Thank you 170318_225230_CQG_QTrader_Chart_NE6M7_-_New_Zealand_Dollar_(Globex)_Jun_17_15_Min.png
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. doggyfx


    Well the problem with S/D levels as they perfectly explain what HAPPENED, not future market moves. Move on higher timeframes to improve your success ratio in this method. Hedge funds keep their trades open for days or weeks, so searching for substantial support or resistance intraday os guessing on coffee grounds.
    Good luck!
  3. %%
    Monthly charts-candle charts can help, wisdom is profitable to dierct.
  4. photize


    If you have been learning S/D well No not at all they dont qualify, you have just randomly outlined areas that provided a reaction. Goto the tube an check Alfonso he has very precise rules on form and proof of momentum. Enjoy Pho