Do Jews have a future in America?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pa(b)st Prime, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Ah, lefties.

    They get teary-eyed about freedom of speech when the subject is smearing faeces on the American flag or dipping a crucifix in urine. They're only too happy to see 'sexists', 'racists', 'antisemites' etc muzzled, fined or jailed, however.
    #31     Jan 7, 2007
  2. Hey, I think Messianic Jews have a great future ahead!!!

    #32     Jan 7, 2007
  3. It really sickens me that the Second World War has been appropriated by the Jews to be all about the holocaust. How many Russians died defending their homeland? 25-30 million at least? How many Poles died? How many Chinese? Is Chinese blood worth less than Jew blood? Don't make me laugh!
    One cannot claim that these people were not also victims of 'ethnic cleansing'.
    What about Genrik Yagoda (a Jew!) whos NKVD killed millions of Russians and Ukrainians BEFORE WWII began. What about Kaganovich (another Jew!) deputy to none other than Stalin himself!
    What about Bela Kun? Another mass murderer!

    Jews will never have a future anywhere until they apologise for their atrocities.

    #33     Jan 7, 2007
  4. gotta go with Alan Dershowitz who compares the Hasidic and ultra- orthodox with the Amish
    #34     Jan 7, 2007
  5. On a practical level it is obvious to me that as long as people have a taste for deli food, Jews will always have a future wherever they are. In my immediate area (Santa Barbara) there has been a void. For years, we did not have a good Jewish Deli. Now we have a couple and you can drive a short distance into Ventura for a great pastrami on rye at Brents or into Los Angeles where many of the great delicatessens operate.

    By the way, the same is true of Italians. For years, there were only a couple of italian restaurants in Santa Barbara. They were expensive and the food was terrible. Now we have some options.

    Why I wonder, do you hosebags need to worry about this? Don't you have enough on your plates trying to learn to trade?

    Continuing on, I don't see much of a future for Arab/Muslim business in our area. We have one new restaurant and one deli that used to be owned by Italians. Personally I will not patronize those businesses. I think that after we send back all the illegal mexicans, we ought to start with the muslims, flying them all back to the shitty little countries that they came from. I intend to do my part, as I have recently bought a riding lawn mower, edger and blower. If necessary I will grow my own produce and pick it myself. I will miss the mexican guy who works on my cars however.

    Now it is late and I need some sleep. I will try to get back to this thread tomorrow hoping insult the rest of the racial groups on "my list"...

    By the way, for those who may feel that I am a complete racist. I want you to know that I have omitted Puerto Ricans from my "shit list". For years I harbored prejudices against those Puerto Ricans (and Filipinos for that matter) because of the pointy shoes they favored. I believed that "pointy shoes" were a cultural adaptation that allowed them to kill cockroaches in corners of the tenements they lived in. Lately I see it differently. I think that this proves that I am continuing to evolve as a sensitive caring human being.

    Later hosebags.
    #35     Jan 7, 2007
  6. never ate jewish deli, how's it made?
    #36     Jan 7, 2007
  7. g'night...
    #37     Jan 7, 2007
  8. man


    somone referring to others as lefties, is quite right of them, right,
    righty? i am allowed to call you "righty"? fine. so we have that settled.
    let us see: "smearing faeces on the American flag", "dipping a
    crucifix in urine" versus "sexists", "racists" and "antisemites".

    hm, i am usually not getting "tear-eyed" by the first, but i am
    actually quite in line with the latter getting "fined", "muzzled" and
    if appropriate: "jailed". and i would guess that your post indicates
    that you see it the opposite way (with all ifs and whens it will
    boil down to that).

    "smearing faeces on the American flag", and "dipping a crucifix in
    urine" at best is placing violence on ... things. they might be very
    precious to some, and they are to me, but they are ... things. or
    better to say: symbols for something else. and this else cannot
    really be hurt from my perspective in a way that would justify
    muzzling, fining or jailing. poor art is poor art and stupid utterings
    speak for themselves. would not care too much.

    on the other hand "sexists", "racists", "antisemites" are directly
    hurting people. not via their belief but by there very nature, their
    sex, their race or their origin.

    so let us bring it down to: i care more about people and you care
    more about symbols and ... things. can sign to that, righty.
    #38     Jan 8, 2007
  9. man


    why do i think that in Russia, Poland and China they speak a lot
    more about their respective victims in WWII? why do i think that
    getting systematically slaughtered is something different than
    dying in battle? not in terms of the terminal nature of the event
    but in terms of the uniqueness of it in human history of civilised

    if you do not understand the difference than you as well do not
    understand the difference in public recognition of hiroshima
    (155.000 deaths immediately) and stalingrad (about a million
    casualties all in all). stalingrad was an ugly, dirty, cruel part in
    the long history of human inability to control their hatred. but
    hiroshima added another aspect. a frightening new aspect. this
    is why we remember hiroshima in a different way than stalingrad
    or even nagasaki.

    and i would add we might not speak too much about jewish blood,
    but too little about chinese, russian, vietnamese, korean, japanese,
    african ...
    #39     Jan 8, 2007
  10. man


    who EXACTLY will have no future according to your will and who
    EXACTLY has to apologise to whom for his/her atrocities?

    to deny someone innocent (and i would say that most jewish
    individuals ARE truly innocent of whatever atrocity) a "future"
    "anywhere" IS an "atrocity". admittedly a mild one. but if i was jewish
    i would smell where you are coming from and where you are
    heading to. no matter what you grumble about apologising and
    atrocities. because your very statement is already so arrogant
    and full of prejudice and hatred, that even if what you claim
    happend would not make you change your mind.

    smells brown here ...
    #40     Jan 8, 2007