Do any of you watch the drillers?

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by oldschool, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. Sheesh - and this is the generation to whom we're getting ready to entrust the world ... (shaking head)

    Yep - you definitely da' man, Mr. Brewster! :D

    And, as far as giving it a break, you might consider heeding your own advice. Every time you open your mouth, the hole only deepens ...
    You have a great day, too - I've become quite bored w/ our exchange. Bye
    #21     Jan 13, 2008
  2. Man, no offense but did your mom hug you? You should be out living life, spending time with girls, not complaining how miserable you are and hanging around older futures guys like us. You are far too young to be this sad.

    We all know you probably had a severe crush on your spanish teacher, and when you grew a little more, and your little pecker changed in size, you thought, hey - maybe she'll love me, i'm a man now.

    You tried to tell her you were a big shot kid speculator in the futures market, she probably didn't care, and you thought because you were white and brought up in a 'decent' family, you would have a chance, because after all you are superior to her.

    Unfortunately, she rejected you, so now you exact your revenge on her because you feel ashamed. You created a story in your head of how Standard Oil is trying to get into her backyard.

    We all went through it sometime son, so we all have a soft spot for you.
    #22     Jan 13, 2008