do any of you echo Soros, Gates and Buffett's trades

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ElectricSavant, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. Any success stories?...or would this be an investor's thread not appropriate for ET?

    Do these fellow's have a longer time frame than traders?

    Michael B.
  2. As a practical matter...
    Guys like this are incredibly secretive...
    The information they feed the media is usually an artful head fake...
    And most of their great plays were done decades ago.

    As a general rule...
    Anyone who is not secretive...
    Is not telling or selling you anything of value.

    And not to address this thread specifically...
    But trading and investing are 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT disciplines...
    And too many people here simplistically view them as interchangable...
    When COMPLETELY DIFFERENT principles apply to each.
  3. Hound,

    I recently am trying to learn the marriage of Fundementals...Long Term Bias...and Real please excuse what may seem to be an inappropriate suggestion.

    If an investor can use their (Soros, Gates and Buffett) universe and trade actively on dips/rises will they come out alright in the long term with a better yield than them, when its all said and done?

    The sharing aspect and what we get..I completely agree with you about...

    I for one, want to add value to ET.

    Michael B.
  4. Hey Savant, here's my theory- If you piggyback on the picks of guys like Soros and Buffett, its kind of like having Tiger Woods in your foursome for a scramble. I've gotten some great ideas from guys like this and others, check out, they have an all star list of market wizards (mostly value guys) and their recent buys and sells.
  5. will do runningman...hey you long distance or a sprinter?

  6. As said above, a lot of these guy's greatest returns happened decades ago - lately some of them arn't doing that hot.
  7. I've run 5ks thru half marathon distance. I'm more of a participant than a competitor. I just try to stay vertical by the time I get to the finish line. Small 5ks are probably my favorite.
  8. Thanks for that. I am practicing at the gym...:) But at 47 years old..I think I will need the masters tournament only....I am in the right place...Colorado :)

    I could run the 6 minute mile in College..(but I swear I almost died)

  9. Don't forget to go to:

    Type in your favorite fund and check out the 13f-hr

    It's the holdings as of 9/30/2006, but they just had to file on 11/13....So the info could be useful and is not that old....

    Also if you want to be SAVY you can pull up the 13f-hr from the last couple of filing's and compare to see what they are buying and what they are selling.....Now this takes some time and I always spend days working on this information....So by no means am I going to do it for you, but this is one of my favorite ways to get investing ideas from multiplle funds....Like I have said in my journal I always build the funds I like in Vector Vest and track them closely so I can capitalize on their better picks....

    Just a few of results from the last Jeffery Gendell filing back in March and June.....AZZ, ENR (all ready sold this one), IOSP, PCR, TRA, MAG, GT, CF, GTI, ASTE, KOP, DCO.......Check the charts....

    The point being is if you piggyback in the right stocks with the best players others will follow....Just watch for momentum (Increased Volume) off bottoms and ca-ching....

    As you can see it can be extremely profitable....Or you could just throw darts like everyone else, but if you want to be an investor and go on vacations without having to worry you better know that you have some good institutional support on your larger holdings....

    Man the tricks are out!!!! But this is what research and investing is all about...Not ticks and pennies, but double digit returns in a short amount of time....

  10. udaman...Revelations daily at ET...

    the true talent would lie in the increase a trader (not an investor) could achieve in comparison...speaking in returns only...

    Taking out the possible capital from the flow of your chosen universe...could be a rather safe to trade in and out...and we have not even discussed basket trading....

    But that will be another revelation for another day in another thread :) why do all the good traders stay so quiet and secretive on these common methods?

    ET guests... there are so many ways to take money out of the market...don't be scared...Share!

    Michael B.

    #10     Nov 18, 2006