Disney blocks release of 9-11 documentary

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Nolan-Vinny-Sam, May 6, 2004.

  1. disney blows. i'm not buying their shit ever. not that i really ever did, but this is simply ridiculous...

    i'd never woulda thought in a million years that disney might someday get people killed, which is apparently what is happening here.

    bush stays for four more years, ALOT of innocent people are going to die for $$$...

    oil's almost at 40 today...
  2. Oh, it'll probably just encourage more fools to see it once it's available.

    Not that I wouldn't like to see Moore (and Geraldo Rivera) locked away in Al Capone's vault for the next decade - he gets caught making up and staging things for his pretend "documentaries" and his "true believers" just ignore it and take all the shit he shovels as gospel.

    Oh well, there's a lot of that happening on the far right wing - so I guess the left wing needs their own shit slinger (that should read "yet another..." - they've got their fair share already).
  3. true, true.

    the right does have the radio locked up, with the exception of NPR...
  4. As opposed to:

    Not that I wouldn't like to see Dudya (and Paleface) locked away in Al Capone's vault for the next decade - he gets caught making up and staging things for his pretend "documentaries" and his "true believers" just ignore it and take all the shit he shovels as gospel.

    Are you forgetting the case for war and Iraq invasion.

    At least watching a movie is not killing American soldiers neither dozens of thousands Iraqi civilians.........

    Exactly who are the fools?????:confused: :confused:
  5. What has he been caught making up? I'm actually interested to find out as I've seen most of his work.

  6. i think that there were a few unsubstantiated claims in one of his books. exactly what the false claims were i'm unsure of..
  7. ElCubano


    According to Eisner ( the big kahuna the big cheese still at disney ) he isnt blocking anything ..he just doesnt think Disney should distribute this material ( they dont want to take sides according to him ) ...Moore and Miramax knew this before they started shooting the documentary....it was a business decision....tax breaks :D
  8. Let's leave politics out of it. Doesn't Disney have a perfect right to decide that it doesn't want to be associated with a particular film? Just like TV stations and newspapers have a right not to run, say, anti-abortion advertisements? Or political ads that they feel are unsubstantiated or unfair?

    We all know why Disney is doing this. They are vulnerable to action from not only the administration but also the State of Florida. So what? Do you think that plenty of other companies didn't do stuff they didn't want to do to toady up to the Clinton administration? The only difference is that Disney is an odious left wing company that insults conservatives on a daily basis and mocks the family values its namesake stood for. I am loving the irony of a despicable company being excoriated by a despicable leftwing lunatic.
  9. Maverick74


    I think what a lot of you guys are forgetting is that it cost money to distribute a film. The distributor stands to lose millions of dollars. Would you make an investment where you thought it was a bad deal and you could lose millions? Of course not, so why should Disney?

    Let's take "The Passion of Christ". Nobody wanted to distribute the film. Not because they didn't like Mel Gibson or because they opposed the topic of religion. The reason nobody wanted to touch it is because most people thought that movie would be a bomb and the distributor stood to lose millions of dollars.

    Of course New Market stepped up to distribute the film and made a killing but that doesn't always happen. So quit crying about Disney. They made a business decision and it was a good one, that movie is going to be a box office dud.
    #10     May 6, 2004