Disingenuous Romney: 'I wish Obama succeeded', hasn't he been running for 8 years?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tmarket, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. That's a debate for the historians. Many feel we would be much worse off without the stimulus. And, remember Bush gave us all $500 bucks or so to help out. Not sure that helped much.

    Obamacare was a compromise, and we needed single payer IMO. Too bad from both sides likely. And, here it comes, it's just Romneycare anyway, right?

    I do feel that it is better for those who clutter our emergency rooms to pay at least something, whether you call it a tax or a penalty, than just getting a free ride from my taxes. Isn't that a conservative value? Regardless, it makes sense to me.
    #11     Aug 31, 2012