Discovery confirms biblical account of Jerusalem

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by peilthetraveler, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Zodiac4u


    Since your at a loss for your own words, If the great majority of the World have it, why would we listen to the minority? :D

    Sadly the minority continue to undermine the majority.
    #41     Jan 16, 2018
  2. Zodiac4u


    Sadly that's an easy answer.
    #42     Jan 16, 2018
    jem likes this.
  3. stu


    as the great majority once said to the minority opposing slavery.
    #43     Jan 17, 2018
  4. stu


    I have not disputed the seal 's 2,700 year old provenance or that it could not have "belonged to the governor of the city". That is after all what archeologists are reported to have said.

    However the seal itself does not appear nor is said to be inscribed with any city name or particular governor. Though going by the information available, it's reasonable to accept it is a city seal, but that does not mean it is with certainty a seal belonging to the "city of Jerusalem" just because archeologists confirm it was found in Jerusalem. In contrast, ancient seals have been found in Jerusalem with Bethlehem on them. So there really isn't anything to say this seal, with no place or governor name on it, belongs to somewhere else. Which as I said begs a question.

    Archeologists within the Israel Antiquities Authority often warn about jumping to conclusions with such things. Not all who work there apparently heed that advice. Remembering also how it was unveiled conveniently at a time when a highly controversial political statement had just been made, it wouldn't be the first time false connections were wrongly attached to such artifacts.

    Even if it is assumed this seal did belong to the "city of Jerusalem" (it would have been the city of Shalem 2700 years ago), there have been hundreds if not thousands of artifacts purported to have given credence to biblical narratives over time, yet none of them in the end, after all the religious rhetoric has calmed down, ever had enough provenance or credence or historical evidence or factual value to support the Bible as claimed. No more than finding porridge supports the Three Bears in a different fairy tale.
    There have been governors of Jerusalem and Judah throughout history. It really should come as no surprise that works of fiction, like the Bible, would include governors in their stories.

    You are religious and religious belief is all about clutching at straws while jumping to false claims. So you see everything to the contrary as a lie.
    Another reason why religion is indeed an insult to human dignity.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2018
    #44     Jan 17, 2018
  5. Zodiac4u


    Sadly your off topic, but that's Ok. Enjoy your darkness, I must move on. By-by:)
    #45     Jan 17, 2018
  6. jem


    what a sad piece of sophistry from your first post to this one.
    even the way your worded your artifacts claim manifests your sophistry.

    No artifacts support the bible as claimed?

    You could not be talking about artifacts talking about cities that were lost to history which have been found.

    So your "as claimed" statement must secretly be a rather narrow definition of what the bible claims.

    #46     Jan 17, 2018
  7. stu


    Yes, you were indeed very much off topic. But since you "do enjoy our talks", I thought it only polite to respond.

    bye bye. Better luck next time.:)
    #47     Jan 18, 2018
  8. stu


    "dammit you got me there"

    No none. No better than the seal in this thread does. Which is not at all.
    #48     Jan 18, 2018
  9. %%%
    Give them time enough they will prove the Bible.
    #49     Mar 16, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    #50     Mar 16, 2018