Direx Platinum and QQQ trading

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by richk, Oct 10, 2002.

  1. richk



    is anybody using Direx Platinum software for QQQ trading ? How are you sending orders ?

    IOC to NYSE is not filled and is rejected every time I do doubleclick to Level II book.
    SHIFT+L (Buy DORS) is not working (orders are sending with 0.00 price).
    What do you do for sending orders ?

    Thank you for your experiences.
  2. hans130


    Direx Platinum now offers NYSE+ Direct routing. Nyse routing gives you an automatic (instant fill within 2.5 seconds) if you send a limit order and NYSE is quoted at that price provided it is an NYSE stock. Also all DORS orders are routed thru NYSE+. If the order is not immediately executable then the orders are sent via SDOT.

    I am glad that they have add this feature as I am more looking into trading NYSE, but its definitely not like Nasdaq. They have also added many more features requested by traders and are soon to release the new 5.4 this week, if you need any more info, let me know.

  3. hans130


    Now with Platinum 5.4 you can set your default routing to ISLD for Nyse stocks. So when you double left click at any price on the offer, than a buy limit ISLD order will be sent out. When you double left click at any price on the bid then a sell limit ISLD order will be sent at that price. If you change your default routing to NYSE then your orders will be sent via NYSE+ Direct.

    This is very useful feature for trading the ETF and regular NYSE stocks.

    Also if you double right click on the offer, then a buy market order will be sent via DORS. If you double right click on the bid then a sell market order will be sent via DORS.
    This feature can be used on all NYSE, Nasdaq, and the ETF's stocks.

  4. richk


    Thank you Hans, I am now testing Interactive Brokers. Looks very nice till now.
  5. richk



    I have spoken to my friend, PD client, and the last version you mentioned with default Island route for NYSE stocks is not available.

    Also direct connections to INCA and ARCA are also still not available.