Dire Warning About Secular Progressivism In America

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. pspr


    Last night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly tackled secular progressive attacks on traditional society, a subject he has regularly discussed on his television program. Bringing in popular radio host Laura Ingraham, he decried yet another assault he believes is unfolding against people of faith: The War on Easter.

    In addition to dismissing this alleged attempt to further strip faith out of society, the host spent some time hammering secularists who are leading the charge against traditional values.

    “In some schools you are not allowed to say the word Easter,” O’Reilly proclaimed at the start of the segment, noting that some public schools are holding “Spring egg hunts” and heralding the “Spring Bunny.”

    O’Reilly proceeded to explain what’s driving these changes. Taking on his familiar ideological foes, secular progressives, he said that these individuals and groups are feeling “unchained” and “liberated” and are looking to “diminish any form of religion.”

    “If the far left can marginalize Santa and the Easter Bunny — if they can tell the children those symbols are obselete and unnecessary — they then set the stage for a totally secular society in the future,” he continued, warning America not to go down the liberal road that countries like Scandinavia have pursued.

    Ingraham shared O’Reilly’s concerns and outlined some of the reasons she believes that traditional Americans may have fears about secular progressivism.

    “I think people who are traditionally faithful…I think they understand society has become more secular. A lot of them I think are fearful,” she said. “I think there’s a lot of demonization [from] secular progressions of Christians. Maybe they think, Bill, there’s a new era of persecution that we’ve never seen in this country before…that we’re beginning to see now.”

    O’Reilly went on to decry the fact that there’s no contemporary leader that traditional Americans can look to for guidance.

    “There’s no national leader in this country,” O’Reilly said, noting the importance of finding a person who can galvanize people of faith.

    And both pundits seemed to agree: Secular progressives pose a danger to America’s future, not only because they will potentially erode values and norms, but because history shows what happens when Christianity and values are collectively removed from society.

    Ingraham, in particular, noted that Europe became poorer and lost power as secularism crept in. The U.S., too, she warned, could have the same fate should a similar dynamic unfold.

    “America as a result will become poorer and weaker and less influential in the world,” she cautioned.

  2. The sooner we are rid superstitious bologna the better. Religion is for the weak-minded fool and only serves to divide the world and create fanatics. Belief in Bronze age myths is a sign of foolishness not something that should be praised.
  3. Lucrum


    Like the AGW bologna religion?
  4. pspr


    You are such a damn idiot. You just go around making a complete ass of yourself from thread to thread. You should really just STFU so people don't know how stupidly insane you are.

    I think the Huffington Post is looking for you.

    <a href=http://jimromenesko.com/2013/03/21/huffington-post-seeks-people-who-have-had-sex-with-aliens/>Huffington Post seeks people who have had sex with aliens</a>
  5. Speaking of weak-minded fools ^.
  6. I'm so glad I'm pissing you off. Makes my day.
    Maybe you should go away and stop your fanatical right-wing asshole propaganda posting. Half the threads are all of your stupid shit.
  7. pspr


    Looks like you are the one not able to handle the heat. You haven't contributed anything to this forum in weeks. You're just a moron. No question.
  8. Dire Warning About Conservatism In America...Its coming to an end
  9. pspr


    I didn't know you were a heathen, too. Now I understand your strange fixation with Obama.
  10. says the guy that starts a half dozen global warming threads per day...
    #10     Mar 22, 2013