did steve jobs waste precious time pursuing quack remedies?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Free Thinker, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. because he is Steve Jobs!

    Was he like normal people you and me, he would get the help from modern medicine, but then there won't be Apple. He is different!
    #11     Oct 7, 2011
  2. hard to say. these days they are warning about getting too many xrays at the dentist office because the damage is cumulative.
    from what i have been able to find pancreatic cancer is heavily connected to smoking. i dont think steve smoked but but i found info that both his parents died of lung cancer from smoking so he was exposed young.
    #12     Oct 7, 2011
  3. "it is useful to publicize the outcomes of people who go this route so others dont make the same mistake in the future."

    So free thinking is to post one result and represent a conclusion from that. If that is indeed what your are doing, then I guess we can now rewrite the statistical handbook on quacks and perhaps add you to it. If not, then please present the evidence backing your claim independent of names.

    Statistics rules the world, not you or I. It speaks to large numbers. Even then, counter cases exist - remember the black swan comments.

    Let's get clear:
    I am not judging his decision or even saying I disagree with your conclusion. I am concerned with you naming someone directly who has recently passed on. That is all.
    #13     Oct 7, 2011
  4. Interesting about the smoking history. Thanks. I am obsessed with finding causes with these things.

    I was never a smoker, but my mother was, so this is a little disconcerting to me. She also died of lung cancer, after having quit 15-20 years earlier. There was some potentially costly treatment delay in her case too, so these are all lessons to be taken seriously.
    #14     Oct 7, 2011
  5. Statistics are comprised of individual data points that need to be analyzed. the next person who finds themselves in steve jobs shoes will be bombarded by the sellers of quack cures who will denigrate the advice of those who work with it every day. he needs to know how the last person who took that route fared.
    it is interesting that it takes the deaths of celeberties to get us to focus on these questions. steve jobs was just a man, flawed in many ways. had he had this very data in front of him when he made his decision things might have worked differently. we will never know.
    #15     Oct 7, 2011
  6. i am too. i am the age where these types of things are starting to hit my circle of friends. it makes you stand up and take notice.
    i also never smoked and hate it with a passion but two of my parents died from smoking so i was exposed as a child too.
    #16     Oct 7, 2011
  7. I hear you. Sorry about your parents.

    With the pancreas, it would make sense that diet and/or alcohol consumption would be factors as well, so I wonder if Steve had any vices outside his vegetarianism that may have contributed. Even something as simple as high amounts of sugar from years of pounding Coke (a-Cola) or whatever ... insulin issues, you know? ... I wonder.

    Again, it's an obsession. :(
    #17     Oct 7, 2011
  8. baro-san


    You don't really sound like a "free thinker" ... :) Doctors are quacks too (medicine is not yet a real science, as weather forecast isn't either), their competence is on a bell curve, a surgeon's article is usually biased toward surgery, all medical cancer treatments weaken (read destroy) health and reduce the quality of life, 10 years or 8 years of survival is about the same and will vary from one individual to another, etc..

    You or I second guessing Steve Jobs is ridiculous.

    Let Steve rest in peace, please!
    #18     Oct 7, 2011
  9. In a few weeks Steve Jobs's biographer - Walter Isaacson - will be releasing his book. I'm sure he will go over some of the remedies that Steve Jobs tried.
    #19     Oct 7, 2011
  10. If he was diagnosed in 2003, then he lived about 8 years, which is pretty close to the survival rate of the medical route. So, it wouldn't seem to be a failure, but a success, as he didn't have to go to the chop shop, and deal with chemo side effects.
    #20     Oct 7, 2011