Did shortboy.com bite the dust?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Babak, Jan 30, 2003.

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  1. Babak


    ronbgelf (er...I mean Vinny)

    welcome back!

    Some were beginning to miss you after you mysteriously disappeared after 90% of people voted that it was your fault you "Flew off the handle"

    #21     Feb 1, 2003

  2. an avowed short-side trader blows out in a bear market?

    now that's funny! :D
    #22     Feb 1, 2003
  3. like Rearden Metal said, the dancing stick figure i posted is found on the shortboy site. i didn't modify any images at all...
    #23     Feb 2, 2003

  4. Adam Leitzes and Joshua Solan were the authors of the Forbes article....... and the book. That claim would carry more weight if the write up was written by different authors.

    Elitetrader readers are still waiting for an explanation about

    how Shortboy had over $300,000 worth of positions when he had a $100,000 portfolio as Tony Oz pointed out in an older thread.

    Explain that in detail and shortboy will earn more respect. It is possible that the authors didn't request an audited track record before writing about Shortboy.
    #24     Feb 2, 2003
  5. leonj


    Know I shouldn't stick my nose in here, but I have a thought.

    rtharp, I believe they call what you're specifically referring to as a "margin call" on Wall street..

    I got 2 last year, and did not suffer at all, and I wasn't thrown in jail either! After you get a few, you definitely should not get more once you're warned.

    My account was real, it appears shortboy's is a cyberspace account. Wasn't shortboy.com all about specific trade calls? Are you questioning the validity of these calls as they are laid out?
    #25     Feb 2, 2003
  6. http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4510&perpage=6&pagenumber=7

    This thread goes into it quite well.

    The #'s don't add up on Shortboy when you look at what was shown.

    The bad math had never been addressed by Vinny, Sam C or RonBGelf

    Their argument is Shortboy was featured in Forbes, and interviewed in a book.

    A stronger argument would be to address the #'s. Not try to avoid the topic and point out guys recommending them.
    #26     Feb 2, 2003
  7. leonj


    "The #'s don't add up on Shortboy when you look at what was shown" says rtharp.

    I can't address it more clearly than this. Show me one single trade (of the hundreds) that was made over the 3 1/2 year time period that is illegitimate. show one.

    Every trade was real, and meticulously calculated on the site as well. The transparency of the trades is crystal clear.

    If anyone wants to read the "thread in question", they will see that NONE OF IT ever questions the INTEGRITY of the trades.

    Don't pull the old, "the #-s don't add up b/c tony oz says so." schpiel. SHOW which numbers, and point out a violation. Pulease.
    #27     Feb 2, 2003
  8. relax, gekko, i'm just busting your balls. you seem to post a lot while not finding a real trading edge- i've heard you complain that making money in the market is tough. it is, but, if you spent some of the time doing research to find an edge instead of posting so much on ET, you will have more success making your P/L positive. cheers. :D
    #28     Feb 2, 2003

  9. I'd say a few trades are being questioned in the above quotes from previous threads.

    How do you earn interest of 24% when the going broker margin rate is less than 1% and you have over 100% of your portfolio in stocks?

    Where can I find such a broker that I can go and put 103% + of my portfolio in stocks and earn 24% interest?
    #29     Feb 2, 2003
  10. leonj


    tony oz "Now why did I go through the trouble to point this out? I did so simply because I strongly believe that unless a trading record represents ALL ACTUAL EXECUTED TRADES (straight out of the brokerage statements)"

    All executed trades are represented for the entire 3 1/2 years, and I read the entire tony oz statement, and I dont see a single SPECIFIC trade questioned.

    JUST GIVE ME A SINGLE ticker symbol and date ie ABC on 2/3 was not real. He doesn't, You don't.

    This is the same old BS. Yes, one a single day in 2001 the positions may have generated a margin call, but so what? Shortboy.com was online 3 1/2 years. That's alot of trades that have never been questioned on this board. And with all the anti-shortboy stuff here, if ANYTHING IMPROPER WAS DONE, YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN IT PLASTERED HERE..

    You get a margin call, and you then make sure you dont get another. All tony points out is that there was not enough funds in the account on a single day, so a margin call was generated. Tony definitely has a future in back office operations.

    ALL OF THE TRADES ON SHORTBOY.COM WERE REAL, and never once has the veracity been questioned. The only assertion tony oz makes, "there was a margin call" on a day. O.k. great.

    read the tony oz thread yourself. just a margin call from cyberspace.
    #30     Feb 2, 2003
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