Did Obama just waste 2 billion dollars on free Obama phones ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grandluxe, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. pspr


    Yup. Too late. :D
    #11     Feb 12, 2013
  2. gwb-trading


    Let me provide some history of this program.

    On each monthly phone bill you pay, there is a charge for the 'Universal Service Fund'. This money is used to fund phone service for rural communities and poor people.

    The modern program was put in place by the FCC under President Ronald Reagan. It was designed to have a free land-line phone in low income households.

    Under President Bush (the second) the FCC updated the program so that cell carriers could provide cell phones instead of a land-line phone.

    The reality is that the Presidents really had nothing to do with the implementation of this cell phone program funded by the Universal Service Fund. All the decisions were driven by the FCC.

    The funniest part is that somehow the free cell phones started to be called "Obama phones" with the present administration in office.
    #12     Feb 12, 2013
  3. Thanks for posting these facts GWB
    #13     Feb 12, 2013
  4. Lucrum


    I stand erected.
    #14     Feb 12, 2013
  5. pspr


    There is a little more to it, gwb.

    When Hitler wanted to subjugate the German people, he proclaimed that every household deserved a car. Thus was born the “Volkswagen” or peoples’ car. Though cheap, they were cars, widely available, and from a benevolent leader whom they believed cared for their good. Even the narcissistic, megalomaniacal Hitler didn’t have the audacity to call them “Hitler cars.”

    So here is the fun part for campaign Obama. The website, Obamaphone.net is flagrant propaganda. The site denies Obama is taxing anyone, but gives him credit for giving the phones away. This website, owned by an anonymous person or entity, features a flattering image of candidate Obama and serves as a campaign tool by expressly giving Obama credit for "spreading the wealth around.” In truth, the mechanism being used to mandate the entitlement is actually credited to the Reagan Administration by Snopes.com. But clearly, there is a significant propaganda campaign to give Obama credit for expanding the home phone subsidy program into giving away free cell phones.

    The Federal Election Commission needs to investigate this site as being an unreported campaign contribution. Is this operated by a Super PAC? If so, it is legal, but slimy and corrupt and that should discredit the Super PAC. Obama should be called to account and to demand a retraction of it.

    Interestingly, when you Google the word “Obamaphone” the first page of Google shows all of these sites, like this one, that accuse the accusers of Obama (namely Rush Limbaugh) of lying by "blaming Obama" for the program. Clearly the Obama campaign is thrilled to take credit with the groups receiving the free phones. This is the Obama White House M.O.—feign outrage but take credit.

    The pro-Obama "Obamaphone" narrative propaganda is being pushed heavily, just by word on the street. One could randomly survey welfare recipients and ask them who gave them the phone. Likely, they were told by a friend or PSA that they could simply Google “Obamaphone.net” and get their free phone. If asked, their answer would be that the President gave them a free phone. The website is clearly designed to legitimize the narrative for campaign reasons, otherwise it would clearly disclaim that rumor at the top. If Obama didn’t intend to take credit, he would demand the disclaimer on the website. Even Time Magazine (who has heralded Obama 24 times on its cover in less than 4 years) is propagating the story.

    Truly chilling is the potential for electoral abuse of the program. This is a Presidential campaign notable for two records: 1) The record use of technology and 2) The record abuse of campaign finance violations. Rarely are elections overturned for electoral violations, so the cynical campaign strategist can plan to ask forgiveness rather than permission. The Obama campaign strategy in the last election was to cheat at every turn, going to great extents. They cheated contribution limits (namely from Soros who paid the biggest fine in FEC history), they modified online credit card transaction forms in order to hide donor data, which hid critical identifying data for huge numbers of overseas donations. These donations were ostensibly from American expats, but were ultimately connected to foreign nationals who made illegal contributions. With so much data scrubbed, the tracking was tedious to the point of impossible before election day. By the time the crime was discovered, it was too late. Obama had won, and he knows he can count on the swooning Lame Stream Media to ignore the story. The average American is unaware of his arguable theft of the election, though the evidence abounds.

    To make matters worse, the Obama Universal Service Fund Administration is doubling down. In February they announced that the same people getting free phones were also entitled to high-speed broad band internet service for just $10 per month. In celebrating the program, Mark Henry, CEO of cheapinternet.com predicts that based on the phone giveaway, the nominal $10 internet service charge will soon go away. This shadowy figure also controls www.freegovernmentcellphones.net, the site to which visitors to www.freeobamaphone.net are directed when clicking the link for signing up for a free phone. So who is Mark Henry? He appears to be the guy behind the Obamaphone website. If not, why would the site be pointed to his http://www.freegovernmentcellphones.net site?

    How will these free phones and internet be used at election time? One can only imagine. The technology already exists for texts to be sent to thousands, even millions of phones at one time. The Obama regime is touting ground breaking texting tactics already, feverously collecting cell phone data for use at election time. Who do you suppose the poor will vote for when they are using a free “Obamaphone” that is sending reminders to go vote for Obama? Who do you think will tell them that their phone is really being paid for by you? Outrageous? Maybe. But what can be done after he is elected?

    An estimated 20 million of these Obamaphones have been given away already. Several battleground states will be won by margins in the range of a few hundred thousand votes. Add to the Obamaphone user bloc a few percentage points of Hispanics (who might be voting based on sanctuary for their undocumented children) and it doesn’t take a Harvard grad to do this math. This scam could drive millions to the polls for Obama, and change the election. By the time investigations are complete, just like last time, the election cycle will be long past, Obama will be elected again, and the media will be happy to talk about something else. Anything else. Conservatives and all ethical Americans need to cause a major uproar over this flagrant misuse of the public treasury.

    #15     Feb 12, 2013
  6. In Ricter's mind that's a success. Remember, Krugman would call that time of exponential growth in spending "wildly succesful". Since Ricter has no intellect, any Krugman-ism is openly embraced by the coward.
    #16     Feb 12, 2013
  7. gwb-trading
