Did I just catch myself saying "nestal fracted" loop?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by bwolinsky, Mar 24, 2010.

Miss your Chemistry final, tell the teacher your tire blew out.Question 2:Which Tire?

  1. Driver Front

    7 vote(s)
  2. Drive Rear

    1 vote(s)
  3. Passenger Front

    4 vote(s)
  4. Passenger Rear

    4 vote(s)
  1. depends in which lane on the highway your driving. Garbage typically tends to accumulate on the shoulders.
    #11     Mar 26, 2010
  2. Totally tweet why I like financial science.
    #12     Mar 26, 2010
  3. It's cosmically ironic that my mentor ended up teaching his class and chose to devote his time to the prisoner's dilemna. Whatever. That's cool, I think.

    Total Teacherly Update and Teacherly Professorial Blinglish as only a Stanford math grad is.
    #13     Mar 26, 2010
  4. I love watching normal people go through a sleep deprived no sleep till brooklyn reality TV Show.

    God dam. I should totally find the twitter page for P-diddy. Fuck, I've got to start mind fucking celebrities. It'll be fun.

    No bitchassness, motherfucker! I'll throw your model ass out the window!
    #14     Mar 26, 2010
  5. Who the hell are you? You think your God's Gift to the world? Like you're pitiful 600 page programs are the holy grail or something?

    I can keep going, and probably will most likely.
    #15     Mar 26, 2010
  6. I would remind you that it is actually not as whimsical as it seems. The best solution that they solicited valid algorithmic programs that would "logic trade" tit for tat.

    The real solution is "to always cheat by cooperating in this case", and the other partner rots in the dungeon for lying to the court and denying any wrongdoing while the other opponent's lawyer is attempting to devine a way to communicate with these two losers most likely given to our highly capable hands of our either pro-bono lawyers or public defenders.

    Luckily, for us, the prisoner's dilemna is doubly hard due to informational walls put up for the market to "see your hand."

    I've figured if I was legally about to be required to disclose my positions, why wouldn't I let all my friends know?

    I just realized how incredibly off topic this was.

    I'm not sure anyone's realized that this is a prisoner's dilemna b/c of the implications to their academic performance and future med school plans, the teacher has what is actually a cruel, inhuman logically masochistic way of having it in for them so much that he gives them 4 nooses to hang themselves with and it becomes a multi-dimensional decision that's even worse than the prisoner's dilemna. Can there be anything worse than the prisoner's dilemna outcome of life in prison? Well, I guess there's death, but financially a 0 on a final is a killer for these students b/c it might erode their economic profits that they earn by knowing chemistry so good that they decided to not show up and make up an excuse. Trust me, I know a 0 on a final and a D just to make an "Academic Statement" on a 1 hour pass fail class....is too stochastic for words. I think everyone sees where I'm going there. I'm mastering the obvious like my best men do. If you're a real psycho academic you'd consider capital crime so for the sake of argument the most passively aggressive least confrontational way to fail these students is probably not as bad as the prisoner's dilemna at its maximum level b/c there is not really any life sentence or death sentence possible if "it's just a test." Well, maybe there might be some teachers that crazy. Maybe the college board was bought off by daddy and the bitchass daddy's money boy "bought a chance" of not hanging himself. You know, even if they get this question right, I wouldn't even answer it. HA! MOTHERFUCKER! I'm that goddam smart. I wouldn't even answer it till I cheated, and that's how I'd get around that bullshit. Dam.

    Now, you got to know these are probably pre-med students, but not responsible enough to try to memorize things about the body that have such an overwhelmingly large amount of information to keep straight I'm sure they thought they'd just skip the final and the teacher would let them re-take it.

    Another part to the story is that these students had solid A's going in. I'd love to simulate who comes out.

    So far, only 30% have guessed correct answer and I'm not saying which and I appreciate the humor and psychological lingo, but economists do acknowledge at some psychological level it might have to do with personal choice and actually be a random 3 short noose 1 long noose way of failing a student for missing the final for a class he paid $3,000 to $5,000 for.

    I mean, I'm more masochistic than the teacher, in reality.

    I would just get them to take the real final, and state on the last page "It is against our academic regulations for any student to not be present for any official exam. You get an F, but we can play this game and if you both tell the same story beyond telling me the tire, I'll know if you're FOS." Special arrangements could have been made if they were having some psychological problems.
    #16     Mar 26, 2010
  7. Not just any test, a really damn hard final. A sit for 3 hours 10 item set 6 question vignette with 2-3 pages of information...

    Shit, that won't happen I believe b/c it is unlikely that teacher wants to actually spend his underpaid, had grades turned in that day, time.

    Say the teacher really did maybe want to make being failed for by being immaturely irresponsible might be better than the standard 10% legitimate, 90% variably accurate way of divining if it's true or not.

    Most accomplished teachers have "prepared tests", that they decide what they want to test.

    My way of doing it would be to pull my "hard exam" out of my drawer, tell them they can stay as long as they need to, then wait to watch them get to the last page where I make a zero sum value loss proposition. Every percent you got correctly will be moved out the money 3 hours on expiration day due to my academic quadruple witching effect so far from a statistically likely in the money, profitable outcome that you will receive an absolute zero even if you got my questions completely right. Even if you guess right and score 100%, your "call options" are "so economically worthless" b/c you're guaranteed to get the lowest D on the test you can possibly get. The stupid part about this problem I had when it was presented to me, is that, are some of my professors that fucking liberal? What sick coniving professor comes up with this stuff? The idea is old, and was older than dust even when I learned it, but then I studied John Nash's Equilibrium and while mathematically it was intimidating, the idea of "the route specific, past decision tit for tat foundation of all of game theory outcome" is the hilariously stupid movie realization that the best time to cheat at Brinkmanship is what the US Government did by listing reasons to attack other superpowers. Anyway. The guy won a nobel prize or something maybe for saving us from the Probabilistic Monte Carlo Simulation modelling developed through the theory that lead to the Mutually Assured Destruction Option. Hell, now we got a new level of understanding for the prisoner's dilemna..how nice.

    I know, have known, and have always know college level academics for a long time, including my own Art History teaching professor I call, Mom.
    #17     Mar 26, 2010
  8. AH, I don't have an emoticon that could possibly describe the mind fucking hilarity to that ironic supposition we have about him. I don't think he's ever really disclosed his actual system. To be honest, I actually know why it has worked for him. It is a money management algorithm more than it is a way to strategically time the market.

    I tried with it, though, and it's hard for me to believe an 80 line program so simplistic and after a few optimizations were done, yet he claims it's a 400 line Excel based I think VBA macro program. Old school. My problem now is that my pairs strategy now only runs properly and "as expected" on my now obsolete software relic called Wealth lab four five high final bugs are gone version. I mean 400 lines of code all spaced out is a lot of code. Way more than I was able to divine from the shell script someone wrote to find out it doesn't work on E-mini contracts, SDS, SSO, SPY, or any other derivative in a way that is hilarious to me b/c the only thing likely separating my success from the everyday trader joe is how I massage my data (I had put, molest the data, but I think it was not the right word to use romantically to anyone interested, guy talk) till I find more models. I treat every model the way they'd expect to be treated, and that's real. If she's good for me, I'll know it by the speed at which my "value proposition" is captured "up in herrrr."

    How funny.
    #18     Mar 26, 2010
  9. Were these three top 10 finishes wins? No, I bet they were maximally seventh place, which relative to me on the ranking scale I use to judge performance at best still 9.3 out of 10, short of the 9.75 I've paid to earn that many young traders naievely enter "before they are actually ready."

    Public Actively Managed 3rd Party Vending is something that taxes you at a very personal level that many traders could go suicidal over if it really does cost their life savings.

    Good thing for us, C2 may be hypothetical, but don't ever think it's any different than live trading. That's stupid, disrespectful, and if you really want to go I'll tell you to your face to go do it on C2. When you're done on C2, go on Covestor. Once you're on Covestor, Start an RIA while you study to be a CTA and handle hard commodities like gold, oil, corn, wheat, beans or any other rich man's transaction the old railroad tycoons used to love sucking every cent out of just to take 30-70% of their profit as a "transaction fee tactic" that I've seen done in family's but never businesses. Not that it wasn't a good model, if I thought I could do it legally I'd definitely do that model. To this day, that lack of profitability for growing food lead to the subsidies we have today, but haven't paid on them I believe since before my sophomore year of college I think when some clueless numb nut proudly stated their farm sold out two years of crops at $4. Missed the $8 jump, probably bought at the wrong time, too.

    Do rich men really believe a wealth manager who is going for the gold standard is not necessary or needed? I think it borders on egotistical, and without a geared education that was academically challengening on extremely challenging, quantitative finance, it may be something that limits celebrities to just being celebrities. I'll assume anybody would like to just plug their nose and swallow by taking a risk. A J-curve bath is what they all expect, going in, and will wait at least a year before they leave. Ideally. Clients. Whether they are "imaginary friends that happen to be facebook friends as well", or random ip passerby's that found financial science to be an enlightened path to learning economic theory.

    The only risk I've ever taken, was risking my reputation and betting that I was ready more than 3 years ago after 4 years of trading to build an arbitragable system. I now have 7 years of trading, and 3 years of performance records.

    I never wanted to admit this when I was younger, but I seriously traded profitably about 20-30% up close to what you see a couple years with 1 10% loss on 8000 element datasets that really had a strange way of "projecting linearly regressed value onto a curve"....yeah, since I was 18.

    Unionism wasn't a tool till well into the twentiety century, and this is around the beginning of our US reconstruction period.
    #19     Mar 26, 2010
  10. Totally misspelled divine. I only have 30 minutes to type and edit. Some slip by before it becomes a hassel to alter.
    #20     Mar 26, 2010