Did I chart this correctly?

Discussion in 'Options' started by TradingTina, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Hi Im SUPER new to trading and just learned how to identify candlestick patterns and chart trends. I would love feedback to know if I charted these correctly, what I'm missing, what I did wrong, and what else I can learn. ANY feedback would be great :) Thanks!

    This particular one is ISRG 5 year and 1 year trends.

    ISRG1yrChartPatterns.png ISRG1yrSR.png ISRG1yrTrend.png ISRG5YearSR.png ISRG5yearTrend.png ISRG5yrCandlestick.png ISRG5yrChartPatterns.png ISRG1yrCandlestick.png
  2. Yasir


    All good patterns that you identified. However it is very hard to trade based just on this information. You will need other technical indicators to confirm your entry/exit points. Good luck !!
  3. LMAO