Did GWB's people ever blame Clinton publicly?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 151, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. Ricter


    #21     Oct 19, 2009
  2. kut2k2


    As pointed out above, Bushies blamed Clinton for the recession that actually started in March 2001 -- AFTER Clinton left office.

    Bush also blamed Clinton for 9/11:


    Look up Hart-Rudman and you'll see that Bush had plenty of time to plug up any holes in US domestic security and prevent 9/11 altogether. The fact is that the Bush/Cheney administration didn't give a rat's ass about terrorism until 9/11.
    #22     Oct 19, 2009
  3. I'm sure this isn't the answer the OP was looking for. I was never a Clinton fan and didn't vote for him. After the Bush fiasco Clinton comes out on top in comparison. A lie about a blow job doesn't seem so bad after a mistake war in Iraq.
    #23     Jan 7, 2010
  4. Great thread. Thanks.
    #24     Jan 7, 2010
  5. 151


    Mostly good answers I guess. We expect a little bickering here right.

    I'm not proud of it but the reason I posted was because I saw a clip that day of President Obama speaking and he actually used the words "inherited from the previous administration".

    For some reason at the time it really struck me as odd that the President would do that. So I wondered if the man many consider the worst president ever behaved in the same way.

    Not that I care much, but no one has provided a direct quote from him doing that.

    When my company has an issue it truly doesn't cross my mind whose fault it is. My brain goes directly into how can I stop/fix this and what needs to be changed to keep it from happening again.

    But hey I'm not the president so maybe its my way of thinking that is off.
    #25     Jan 7, 2010
  6. I have a business and it is critically important to know who is at fault, there is no way to correct/prevent the problem if you don't know who is at fault. I am quick to get rid of problems. My customers expect that and so do I. The competition is to fierce to keep a screw up around.
    #26     Jan 7, 2010
  7. Obama does this in just about every speech. No matter what happens, Obama blames Bush. So much for the old saying "The buck stops here!!!".
    #27     Jan 7, 2010
  8. Wasn't Iraq inherited by Bush? After all, Clinton bombed Iraq because he claimed Iraq had WMDs.
    #28     Jan 7, 2010
  9. No.
    #29     Jan 7, 2010
  10. Don't apologize to him. He doesn't care that he's an ass.
    #30     Jan 7, 2010