Did Bush or Obama kill Bin Laden?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, May 1, 2011.

  1. BO gets the credit. :D :( :) :p :cool:
  2. Lucrum


    Body odor? :)
  3. Great job by the Administration, Secretary of Defense, Bob Gates and Obama's CIA Director, Leon Panetta who was appointed to the post in 2009.
  4. Thankfully Bush was smart enough to go into Afghanistan, and thankfully Obama has less than two years left to destroy our country.
  5. Lucrum


    Well that's one way to spin it.

    I like this way better though.
  6. Tom B

    Tom B

    This is a great win for the USA. Why are you trying to make this a Bush vs Obama issue you fucking moron.
  7. Lucrum


    Oh come on Tom, tell us what you really think. :)
  8. Tom B

    Tom B

    I need to calm down. :)
  9. Lucrum


    Ah just have a beer. Where you at? I'll but you one. :)
  10. Obama got him. It takes a muslim terrorist to catch a muslim terrorist.
    #10     May 1, 2011