DIA (Diamonds) Stronger Than SPY

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by EdgeHunter, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the DIA's are so much stronger thant the SPY...

    Usually the SPY leads but not today or the last week...

  2. Just look at the 30 stocks in the DJIA. Financial, retail and industrial stocks are strong today.
  3. Yes, the DIA's are an ETF that is 99% correlated with the INDU...

    so let me ask my question this way...

    why, when the SPX usually leads the way up when there is a strong move up is the dow up so much stronger...

  4. ?..........the "generals" are leading the way, not the "soldiers". There's more confidence in larger-cap issues than smaller-caps.