DFT/FFT on graphics hardware

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by nitro, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. nitro


    #11     Mar 26, 2006
  2. nitro..

    SSE3, i believe has a FFT instruction.

    its also available on AMD64 3500+ Venice, San Diego chips
    #12     Mar 26, 2006
  3. nitro



    Reeeeeally? Can you provide me with a link? I tried googling it, but nothing came up for me.

    #13     Mar 26, 2006
  4. #14     Mar 26, 2006
  5. nitro


    Ok, I see. These are not FFT routines, but routines that are used by complex FFTs that make complex FFT routines faster.

    Yeah, I am aware of these packages.

    The very article (pdf) you gave me above gives the reason!

    #15     Mar 26, 2006
  6. The code sequence above shows how to implement a double-precision complex multiplication using SSE2 only or with the new SSE3 instructions, where mem_X contains one complex operand and mem_Y the other; mem_Z is used to store the complex result and xmm7 is a constant used to change the sign of one data element.

    Since the main speed limiter of this code is the number of execution uops (7 for SSE2, 4 for SSE3), <i><b><u>the new instructions can improve complex multiplications by up to 75%.</i></b></u>

    On SPEC CPU2000, the compiler is able to use SSE3 to improve 168.wupwise by 10-15%.

    is this 'across the board' improvement for CPU usage for ALL custom indicators that require a lot of math or am i out in left field for the reasons to implement this...




    If You Have The Vision We Have The Code
    #16     Mar 26, 2006
  7. nitro


    I doubt 95+% of standard TA indicators would benefit from any of these instructions.

    #17     Mar 26, 2006
  8. -most traders dont have SSE3 enabled CPU

    -most trading software wont be compiled with SSE3 instructions enabled. unless you're writing your own, in nitro's case.
    #18     Mar 27, 2006
  9. maxpi


    You can do a really fast FFT by programming a PLD to do it in hardware. The divide is just a shift with the FFT anyhow, that is why it's called the "Fast" Fourier. I don't see how any processor could be faster than that but I never made a comparison.
    #19     Mar 27, 2006
  10. Sorry a little OT here, but relative...

    I wonder how anyone who uses Fourier deals with non-staionarity as well as impulse events that are messy (imperfect) due to the constraints of Fourier.

    I found wavelet transforms much more applicable to the type of time-serie traders tend to quantify.

    Any comments as to why you choose Fourier over wavelet would be greatly appreciated, since I'm always trying to improve comprehension generally.

    #20     Mar 27, 2006