Despite shitty economy, unemployed Americans refuse to take farm jobs

Discussion in 'Economics' started by MohdSalleh, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Correct. Part of our persistent unemployment is because unemployment benefits are too generous and too long lived.

    1. Round up all illegals and deport them.

    2. Cut off unemployment benefits.

    3. People will take jobs when they get hungry enough.

    I know, it's "too hard of work" and "not enough money" for Americans. Tough Shit! Sorry. All of these are part of the solution to not only the employment problem but also the illegal immigrant problem. THEY ARE NECESSARY in a globalized world where many manufacturing and service jobs are provided in Chindia for very low wages.
    #21     Sep 28, 2010
  2. achilles28


    I think you should run for local or state politics.
    #22     Sep 28, 2010
  3. "It doesn't add up". America needs to generate 125-160,000 jobs per month just to accommodate the increase in the population. Plus there are what, 250,000 illegals per month coming across the southern border? That's around 400,000 jobs per month without consideration of all the currently unemployed Americans. How can we keep going on like this?

    It's true... that if we don't voluntarily address this issue now, at some point a worse "solution" will be foisted upon us whether we like it or not.

    What politico ever got elected when his message was "the truth"?
    #23     Sep 28, 2010
  4. achilles28


    Libertarians are doing well. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Scott Brown, Christine O'Donnell, Tim Scott etc. People want small Government politicians in office. You're a decorated war vet with business success. How do you handle a podium?
    #24     Sep 28, 2010
  5. "Decorated"... yeah, that's a good one. (They do give you a Good Conduct ribbon if you manage to stay out of the brig for your first 3 years. Does that count?) My next door neighbor actually was decorated... a Silver Star. He was part of an artillery unit in Vitenam... saved some other GIs after an explosion and fire during a fire fight.

    Yes, I can speak in front of a crowd... partly because one of my colleges had a mandatory requirement to take a class in Public Speaking.

    "People want small Government politicos in office".... well, half of us do... but we don't get many of our ilk voted in. Until the country is convinced that the Founders way (rather than the Obama-Communist way) is the correct path for America, the Takers will keep taking and voting same. I'm not optimistic about our future.

    #25     Sep 28, 2010
  6. achilles28


    LOL well, at least you still got that sense of humor. Wasn't sure if you were decorated or not. After serving that long, I bet you earned a few Congressional Medal of Honors.

    Yea, i agree with your prognosis. Maybe if a few good men are rallied together, we can turn this ship around? Or at least, change course? Who knows!
    #26     Sep 28, 2010
  7. Many people are lazy in America. My friend's girlfriend in NJ hasn't worked for close to 2 years (was laid off from her last job) and has been collecting $1,900 per month in unemployment. She makes more on unemployment than many people working full-time. She doesn't even have a college degree, just a high school diploma. What incentive is there to look for work when you can just sit back, do nothing, and collect $1,900 per month in unemployment. Of course, she says that she has been looking for work, but can't find anything. She is probably only applying to 1 job per month. Her unemployment is done with in 2 months, which will make it 99 weeks. Does anyone know if the government has extended unemployment to more than 99 weeks?
    #27     Sep 28, 2010
  8. Tier 5 is coming

    On August 4, 2010, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) introduced the Americans Want to Work Act. This legislation would create an additional tier (Tier 5) of unemployment benefits for those (known as the 99ers) who have exhausted their unemployment insurance benefits. The bill is cosponsored by Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY), Harry Reid (D-NV), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Carl Levin (D-MI), Bob Casey (D-PA), Chris Dodd (D-CT), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Jack Reed (D-RI), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).

    If passed The Americans Want to Work Act will provide 20 additional weeks of unemployment insurance for individuals in states with an unemployment rate of 7.5% or higher. This new Tier 5 would benefit people who have exhausted their weeks of all available benefits. In high unemployment states such as Massachusetts the limit is 99 weeks. In order to receive this tier, individuals would still need to meet regular unemployment insurance law requirements.

    #28     Sep 28, 2010
  9. The government will not do that. Having 54 million people pissed and with empty stomachs = problems.

    The Czar of Russia failed to grasp that concept and ended up getting himself and whole family killed.

    Much cheaper to send them checks VS a civil war and associated bloodshed.
    #29     Sep 28, 2010
  10. To collect unemployment benefits, don't you have to be actively looking for a job? Contact a minimum of 10 potential employers per week, or something?

    Are we to believe all the "99ers" have each contacted 9,900 potential employers and still come up dry?
    #30     Sep 28, 2010