DeSantis for the win

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tsing Tao, May 21, 2020.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    #2071     Oct 29, 2020
  2. gwb-trading


    Can you explain to us why Florida is back to desperately trying to recruit out of state COVID medical staff for their hospitals. What do they know that DeSantis is not telling us.
    #2072     Oct 29, 2020
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I would assume (going with your claim) they anticipate a growth in cases like that which is happening everywhere else in the US. This would be the prudent course of action to take, I would think. Shocking that you can't figure it out and are asking me to explain it to you.

    Also ridiculous to think DeSantis is "not telling us" something here and there's a conspiracy.
    #2073     Oct 29, 2020
  4. gwb-trading


    Let's take a look at what this "DeSantis for the win" thread is all about... to remind you of the proper context.

    Is it acceptable for a government administration to hide, manipulate and be less than transparent with public health data in the midst of a global pandemic in order to drive a political agenda of an elected executive official. Either you believe:

    A) The very foundational basis of public trust is built on transparent health data -- and hiding, manipulating or being less than transparent with data is fundamentally unacceptable.
    -- or --
    B) It is perfectly acceptable for a governor's administration to be less than transparent with data to drive his political agenda.

    I obviously believe in A) while you believe in B)
    #2074     Oct 29, 2020
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Since I created the thread, I'm the one who can speak to the context. You're just a shrieking bystander.

    The context of the thread was to show how DeSantis ignored the media forecasts (that were all massively wrong) and went ahead and did his thing, not crushing the Florida economy. This is because he made the very right decision of refusing crippling lockdowns and balanced the need of the many against the safety of the few.

    Does Florida have its issues? Absolutely. I've pointed out many times how incompetence in the state is a normal every day occurrence. It is what we get for living in a income tax free paradise. Sometimes we have less-than-ideal government support. But we are OK with it.

    You live in NC. You should be concerned with your state right now, not milking your man-love for DeSantis and your DDS (DeSantis Derangement Syndrome).

    So politely fuck off, and talk to someone who cares. Because none of us do.
    #2075     Oct 29, 2020
  6. gwb-trading


    Nice job of attempting to re-write the reality in Florida --- and simply try to claim "but we are doing better than other states" Sorry to tell you -- nobody at this point trusts the COVID data released by Florida.

    So answer the question. Is it perfectly acceptable for a governor's administration to be less than transparent with COVID data to drive his political agenda?

    At this point no rational person can claim that the DeSantis administration is not hiding data - this is not mere incompetence. He has actively bragged about not providing school data and not showing positivity rates on the state's dashboard when addressing the press.
    #2076     Oct 29, 2020
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    First, why should I answer your questions when you constantly go silent when I ask you questions? Or you avoid answering them, or you twist them around?

    Take your conspiracy theories and shove them where the sun don't shine, chicken little.

    20-25% of what you say is true. Whenever I challenge you on statements you claim are true, you go silent. So tell me why I should treat you like anything other than a whiny kid whenever we discuss anything?
    #2077     Oct 29, 2020
  8. gwb-trading


    This is from someone who never answers questions about their own assertions -- then nitpicks on the assertions of others. Not playing that game anymore. Go back and read the past articles and research the facts for yourself -- all the resources have been provided. Your game of nitpicking "prove it" is over. I provide the facts --- if you choose to believe the statements out of your own governors mouth and his administration officials as reported in the media is your issue.
    #2078     Oct 29, 2020
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Show me one place I did not answer questions you posed me, other than the last post I just made as a point. And by the way, if I say "I don't care either way", that's still an answer.

    I don't have any issue. You don't seem to get this. You're the one constantly whining and shrieking about a governor in some other state.
    #2079     Oct 29, 2020
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    #2080     Oct 29, 2020
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